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File recovery software

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Heyas Everybody :)


We formatted a friend of mine's comp a couple of weekends ago, and it turns out that she lost some of her pics.

(I asked her three times if she was sure she had them all :rolleyes: )

I know the chances of recovering them are marginal, since we reinstalled the OS and a few softwares. That there's the possibility of the allocations having been overwritten.


But, I told her that I'd check it out and see maybe if we could come up with something to check out.

Freeware... probly not an option, but would be awesome. Shareware could be ok, depending on the limitations. Buyware might be an option depending on the price for her budget. And if she thinks it's worth it just for some pics.


TIA for any input/recommeds :) :thumbsup:


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That would be Pandora Recovery. http://www.pandorarecovery.com/

It's freeware, and it works very well.


After installing and opening the program, a recovery wizard window will pop up, just close it.

Then go on the menu bar select View > Search Files, select the partition and type in any details you know, if you don't just click search.

When you find the file, right click it and select "Recover to..." then select a folder where it should paste the files.

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PcInspector can be good alternative free file recovery, another one is smart recovery. because free that's probably never updated since verison 4. I dont know if this compatible with Win 7.

For Shareware, diskinternal has offer many features, From this company I use their free software, Linux Reader.

Usually we getting difficult when overwritten on drive which we want to recover because files header became corrupt..

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Cool, thanks so much for the recommendations so far guys! Its very much appreciated. I'll check them out when I get some time to do the research and stuff.


Bandit- Yeah, very true. Tho fortunately she has not been using her system hardly at all since the format. She used it primarily for pics and internet. The internet wasn't working, due to a bad wireless NIC. So I'm hoping that will increase her chances of being able to recover them.


Thanks again guys! *kudos* :)

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Also,to avoid overwritting data, installing recovery softwares is not recommended in drive that contains data for data rescue..otherwise data will be gone forever, or success rate will be smaller...

If she defragmenting drives frequently before this happens, will also increasing a chance of recovery because the complete data is stored at the beginning of the first cluster of a file.

yes, resurrecting deleted data is not too difficult, but if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong..:)

anyway, good luck..Darke :thumbsup:

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