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How do I create merged patches in FNVEdit?

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Ok guys, believe it or not, I can't figure out the FNVEdit's problem with the 6 simple mods I'm trying to merge together. The six mods do nothing but tint the screen when I sneak, get hungry/thirsty, enter combat, absorb radiation, etc. Specifically, I'm trying to combine them as a SINGLE mod, since I have approached the dreaded 100 Plugins mark.



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I'm not experienced enough with FNVEdit to answer that but a six mod merge sounds tough. I'm sure you already have it but for those that don't here's the manual for FNVEdit - http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38413 - I wouldn't mind finding out how to do that myself if anyone has the time to offer a step by step. I'm sure many others would be interested too. However I have a feeling a six mod merge may be a job for Wrye Bash and I haven't even gotten off the ground with that one yet!
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Merged patches fix conflicts between mods. In that sense, they merge the mods together so that conflicting lists and the like become one list that allows the mods the work nicely toghether.


To combine six mods, I think you can just load them all up in the geck, and save an esp and that will have all the effects on one esp. But I can't remember if this will make the new esp become dependant on the other 6 as masters, which would defeat the purpose totally.


You might just have to create an esp from scratch and merticulously copy each change into it. I'm sure there's a easier way though. I know I did this in FO3 but I don't remember how.

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There is a way to merge one plugin into another. I have been looking over the FNVEdit instructions. It looks a bit complicated and I haven't tried it yet, but it is possible.
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Ok, so a slight correction: I am trying to MERGE the mods together. I was hoping not to have to go into the GECK for this (Although I have just recently used the power of common sense to start a small mod for myself http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif ) So any and ALL help/info/links/guides/comments are WELCOME!
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I figured out how to do it in FNVEdit http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif


I'll post up a guide by tommorrow, gotta merge some more mods http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif

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I pulled a stupid move and hit the "Uncheck All/Check All" buttons in FOMM http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif

Using them makes the game crash (Tested by loading nothing but FalloutNV.esm (You guys know there's nothing wrong with my load order))

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Goth, I have to give my undying thanks to you once again. I have been trying to merge mods using FNVEdit. What a nightmare! This plugin looks way easier, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
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