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Enclave Return


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Greetings Everyone, I would like to discuss with you about the Enclave may-be returning for Fallout 4. I know a lot of you will probably disagree with me, that the Enclave will not return. Because they were defeat multiple times

However, It might be a possible that they will return. Since the Enclave have been in all the Fallout Series. I would like to ask anyone who has any modding experience, that has the G.E.C.K and Fallout 4 and like to see the Enclave return as a join-able faction. I know a lot of people will say, "oh no they won't return." Well all of us don't know that, they might be hiding in some bunker or some other country or even some other state, just hiding from the Brotherhood of Steel. And they are asking for help or something.

Anyways, I would like to see the Enclave return and as strong as ever before in all the Fallout games. And allying with the Institute. Destroying the Brotherhood of Steel of course, the Railroad and the Minutemen or that they can be allies or something.

However, there will be negativity from the people of the Commonwealth.

Some small Enclave group that only has maybe.....ten or more members including scientists that have scattered from the Capital Wasteland, hiding in a underground bunker or something like that. That's one idea

Now maybe a lot of you have a lot of ideas for the Enclave returning.

I hope the Enclave mod will be a reality for Fallout 4


Thank you for reading.



Edited by TheDarkListener34
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