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FOMM problems


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Right so I jumpped back into the world of Fallout 3. Wait, the FOMM is now a hybrid for both games? Odd but let's see if it works the same.


First thing I notice is that this version does not want to save my load order. Very picky about when it does and doesn't. This poses a problem as the load orders it tends to keep puts them out of order when I go to make a merged patch. "FWE needs Calibur loaded before it." Really? I did put it before FWE but sure enough, open up the FOMM and BAM! Out of order again.


This is getting very annoying. It's starting to get to the point were deleting all the ESM and ESP then putting them back, in a certain order so FOMM knows the order to keep, is easier than fighting this monster. Help please?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have this same problem, some mods are bold text and don't move, others are plain text and do move to the bottom of the load order after closing FOMM no matter where I put them prior to closing. Can anyone help with this? It's driving me crazy. Thanks.
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