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Cant Play Game - Plz help


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Hey all,


I have recently bought FO3 GOTY edition from Steam since it was on sale.


I used to have the basic version on disk but hadnt played any of the DLC and also havnt played it in ages.

Admittedly i am rustly when it comes to modding this game since its been so long but i cant figure out what i have done wrong.


When going start new game - It crashes and makes a horrible noise which i have to restart my PC to get rid of it.

I have downloaded 4 Mods and thats all.

I am using the latest FOMM and the mods i have tried to use are -


Fellout - I have the DLC esp's.

Fallout Project Beauty - I have the DLC esp's.

MTUI - There is no .esp file for this.

GNR More Where That Came From - I am using the 100 song esp.


I also have clicked the achiveinvalidated in FOMM.

Ive deselected all the mods in FOMM and the game runs but neither Project Beauty or Fellout work on there own either.

Since i thought maybe one Mod wasnt working so i tried one at a time but both seem to make the game crash independant of each other.


Can anyone help.


Just incase this is my load order in FOMM -


00 - Fallout 3.esm

01 - Anchorage.esm

02 - Broken Steel.esm

03 - Point Lookout.esm

04 - ThePitt.esm

05 - Zeta.esm

06 - Project beauty.esm

07 - PB Broken Steel.esp

08 - PB Point Lookout.esp

09 - Fellout Full.esp

0A - Fellout Broken Steel.esp

0B - Fellout Anchorage.esp

0C - Fellout Zeta.esp

0D - Fellout Point Lookout.esp

0E - Galaxy News Radio 100(M).esp


Any help will be appreciated.

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Hey all,


I have recently bought FO3 GOTY edition from Steam since it was on sale.


I used to have the basic version on disk but hadnt played any of the DLC and also havnt played it in ages.

Admittedly i am rustly when it comes to modding this game since its been so long but i cant figure out what i have done wrong.


When going start new game - It crashes and makes a horrible noise which i have to restart my PC to get rid of it.

I have downloaded 4 Mods and thats all.

I am using the latest FOMM and the mods i have tried to use are -


Fellout - I have the DLC esp's.

Fallout Project Beauty - I have the DLC esp's.

MTUI - There is no .esp file for this.

GNR More Where That Came From - I am using the 100 song esp.


I also have clicked the achiveinvalidated in FOMM.

Ive deselected all the mods in FOMM and the game runs but neither Project Beauty or Fellout work on there own either.

Since i thought maybe one Mod wasnt working so i tried one at a time but both seem to make the game crash independant of each other.


Can anyone help.


Just incase this is my load order in FOMM -


00 - Fallout 3.esm

01 - Anchorage.esm

02 - Broken Steel.esm

03 - Point Lookout.esm

04 - ThePitt.esm

05 - Zeta.esm

06 - Project beauty.esm

07 - PB Broken Steel.esp

08 - PB Point Lookout.esp

09 - Fellout Full.esp

0A - Fellout Broken Steel.esp

0B - Fellout Anchorage.esp

0C - Fellout Zeta.esp

0D - Fellout Point Lookout.esp

0E - Galaxy News Radio 100(M).esp


Any help will be appreciated.



Do you have FOSE installed. I think you need that for Project Beauty and Fellout and probably for MTUI. Do you have the latest patch for FAllout 3? that might be an issue too.

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i have the GOTY edition on steam. the .exe file says im using 1.7.03. Is there another way just incase this isnt the correct version.

FOSE was not listed on the mod pages as required. So im not sure. Plus when looking for FOSE it says that i need the beta patch to support FOSE but then it doesnt give link.

It goes on to say that support for version 1.7.03 would be dropped in an update.

Mot sure how relevant the info is.


EDIT - FOSE also failed to install as it says it cannot find a file like fallout.ng. So im guessing that wont work.

Edited by Tankus910
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i have the GOTY edition on steam. the .exe file says im using 1.7.03. Is there another way just incase this isnt the correct version.

FOSE was not listed on the mod pages as required. So im not sure. Plus when looking for FOSE it says that i need the beta patch to support FOSE but then it doesnt give link.

It goes on to say that support for version 1.7.03 would be dropped in an update.

Mot sure how relevant the info is.


EDIT - FOSE also failed to install as it says it cannot find a file like fallout.ng. So im guessing that wont work.

Project Beauty and Fellout don't need FOSE. :pinch: So, you won't even need that. I'm curious though: Where'd you download FOSE? From here? http://fose.silverlock.org//

The newest version of FOSE is perfectly compatible with the 1.7 patch by the way.


Also, what directory did you install FOSE in? It's supposed to go into the main Fallout 3 directory.


Anyway, you can play Fo3 without those mods? Have you tried reinstalling them? Maybe you didn't install them correctly the first time around.


By the way: What is MTUI?

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Tankus910 - Hello!


Have you set bInvalidateOlderFiles= to 1?


You need to edit your .ini, the one you want to change is in:


For XP:


My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


For Win7:


Documents\My Games\Fallout3


& change this line:








Are you running Vista or Win7?


If so go to your Fallout 3 - Data folder, are there any padlock symbols on the folders or files within?


If so, drag the affected folders/files onto your desktop & move them back again (ensuring you put them back EXACTLY where you got them).


"but neither Project Beauty or Fellout work on there own either."


Do Project Beauty & Fellout work if you just use Project beauty.esm & Fellout Full.esp with NONE of the their DLC plugins?


If it's just when their plugins (PB Broken Steel.esp, Fellout Anchorage.esp etc) are ticked that

you have trouble, check your Fallout 3\Data folder.


Are files like:


Anchorage - Main.bsa

Anchorage - Sounds.bsa



BrokenSteel - Main.bsa

BrokenSteel - Sounds.bsa



& the same sort of files for the other DLCs in there?


If they are not there I know Games for Windows Live can hide them & place them in a different folder, moving those files I mention above into the Fallout data folder can fix it.


I'm not sure about a Steam set up though. I've never used Steam.


Hope this helps!






BlackRampage - Hello!


"By the way: What is MTUI?"





It's sort of a DarnUI lite, adjusting some fonts & displays without being quite as major an overhaul as Darn.



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BlackRampage - Hello!


"By the way: What is MTUI?"





It's sort of a DarnUI lite, adjusting some fonts & displays without being quite as major an overhaul as Darn.



Heh. Never heard of that before. Thanks for the heads-up. (though I prefer DarnUI) :thumbsup:

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