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Getting Mod Manager to work with Steam


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How do I get the mod manager (OBMM) to work with the steam version of Oblivion. Everytime I try to install it into the directory that it askes me to put it in (in the same folder as the Oblivion install) it pops up with a message saying that the location is incorrect and the installer is not found the directory I'm trying to save it into is:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\oblivion


Could I get some help please?



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The problem is that it's installed to the Program Files (x86) directory. Windows thinks that it's a protected directory and doesn't allow many changes, causing all sorts of things to not work.


The best bet is to reinstall Steam and all of its games elsewhere - C:\Games\Steam is fairly popular.


Here's bben's famous Reinstall Procedure.

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