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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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WOW that sounds great as for the mods for clothes and stuff is there a theme missing like for the lunatic clan like weapons and clothes spells or other stuff :P


well i'll try, obviusly all coneseurs (i never spell that right i know, obviusly i don't do scripts :P) ar ging to be sexy, yes male and female if possible. and yes the differend clans will have differend themes, but i find looking at the particular character more inporatant than the clan. but for the most part yes if possible.




great and also actual male clothing, some realy usefull stuff thanks.




There was a comment about gaining blood potency from killing and eating other vampires. Will that apply to the vampires in the Azura's star quest? They are listed by name as "Afflicted Brethren" Just an idle thought.


no we won't tuch vanilla vampires this will keep the mod compatible, with pretty much any vamire mods.

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http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12870 nuf said :whistling:

it adds atmostphere :tongue:


it looks great and i would personally use it but it doesn't realy have any specific use in Terran Vampires, if i used it i'd just be re-uplopading his mod. that wouldn't feel right. otherwise it's a great surgestion, i'd advise anyone to use it. :thumbsup:

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i think would be good if u can make the possibility for strong and elder vampire to transform like marcus in underworld evolution, maybe after a very hard quest. for the fly sistem u can use VipCxjs Air Fight System ( http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36903 )



for vampire female cloth/armor u can use some of sinblood mods like lethal majesty or ravenous elegance

Edited by davi22pd
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that looks great, i'm going to discuss it with WRG, we already considert somethin like it. :thumbsup:


yes, Sinblood was so kind as to premit me to use the outfits.


great post davi22pd, thank you


Keep it coming. :thumbsup:

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I have to agree with you on that one :)


We have reason to believe that before we took over the mod that a patch was planned for an unknown werewolf mod, although it is not what we plan on this release. First objective is a stable release before Skyrim comes out. The first stable release will be adding all of the unfinished content from the last version, then laying the foundations of the huge overhaul we are in the process of building.


I noticed you comment before, and would like to thank you for suggesting a mod. The only issue with Vipcxj's mod is that it requires a separate download of his OBSE plug-ins, a dependency I don't want. Flight is definitely a possibility in the release, but there are several other mods that can simulate flight. For example, Saiden Storm's "Akatosh mount". There have actually been several mods out there built by simply replacing the dragon in that mod with whatever they are using in their own mod, so it's definitely possible.

I'm not saying flight will not happen. I'm saying it will not be based on the VipCxj's Air Fight System.

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