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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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Post 1

Necromancy already has several spells already are made in the original Terran Vampires, but were inaccessible. I will be changing a few of these:


Voice of the Undead: You can now command the undead. The number you can command at one is based on your level.

Ethereal Summoning: Summon a spectre to aid the vampire. (I will probably change this one - theres enough conjuration in Oblivion)

Puppetry of Flesh and Bone: Create a zombie from a human corpse

Taste of Death: A vampire can sustain himself with the essences of the undead. (This one is definitely getting changed - only humans can be fed on)

Touch of the Reanimator: Reanimate a fallen warrior or create a Lich from his soul.


These may be changed as time goes on. We also have powers 6 and 7 to think of, available only to older, stronger vampires.


You suggested cheaper undead summoning. Thing is no vampire powers cost magicka - just blood. There is the possibility of creating your own undead like you said, if the right ingredients are collected, maybe even by bringing a live NPC. And I like "Bone Armour". We need modellers for this, and no-one has come forward for any of the positions yet.


Post 2

As for the negativity, I'm not sure what the penalty would be other than losing blood. I definitely wouldn't fully prevent people going into shops, purely for the sake of compatibility. I don't want to "ban" anything, just make it difficult (which is why "Weight of the Sun" has been drastically toned down). Necromancy is however considered "evil" and would probably affect your humanity. This might be a penalty to some, for others it would be a bonus. I'm not wanting any one school of blood magic to be overpowered, but lets face it, some are better than others.


Post 3

Harvesting hearts from NPCs seems like a good idea. However it looks like you think of Necromancy as a "skill", that works just like any other skill in oblivion. It has 7 levels upgraded by buying each level with blood potency, with the last 2 available to older vampires only.


I'm not sure I understand much else of what you said. For alchemy items, there might be uses for different body parts, although the alchemical properties will probably be tied to alchemy, as always. I'm not sure what you meant about the master merchant and his high value clothes - just clothes with good enchantments? There also is already a restore attribute spell in the original, both physical and mental versions.


Post 4

OBSE allows modders to directly increase weapon speed. Oblivion has an effect that also increases strength known as "Fortify Strength" :P

Feeding on animals will not be allowed. No vegetarian vampires here.

Holy damage will have an effect if your humanity is low.



I'm guessing from your suggestions that you have not yet played the original Terran Vampires. Please try it out HERE. On that page in the comments section is a method to get access to necromancy powers, which exist, but are not added to the game.


Thanks for your many, many suggestions. They have made me think about several things I could add.

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Posts 1 and 2 - Necromancy are blood powers, not skill like, so most of what I offered won't be very useful.


In a vampire mod I played in Morrowind, there was a basic mechanic that you looked undead, and you could use your blood to appear normal.

This could be explained under the illusions school, or in Vampire the Masquerade terms, Obfuscate.

The vampire spends blood to briefly suffice his body with the appearance of normal life.

However sustaining this is difficult, and typically lasted only about a hour in game.

It cost between 2 - 10 blood, depending on how you behaved, potency etc.

It could be more expensive to do if you are an elder (further removed from normal life)

it could also be implemented in the humanity system you described.


Post 3

After a vampire either gains enough fame, rank, or power within their clan they might gain access to a merchant who sells expensive clothing.

The point of making the clothing expensive, is both as a gold sink (its easy to get gold, but then have nothing worth spending it on) and to

show that it's special or unique. The clothing itself should be plain, without enchantment. The point is that the clothing could hold higher level

or more potent enchantments. Some items can hold a lot of enchantment points, while others barely hold a few points of feather as a constant effect.

The point is to allow more interesting permanent effect on clothing, at the expensive of not getting to wear armor.


The spells I suggested.

You can't make a single spell in Oblivion that has more than one fortify attribute effect, or restore attribute effect.

Example1: If you make a Restore strength spell, you can not have the same spell also have a Restore Agility effect.

Example2:You can't make a spell which Fortifies Strength and Intelligence at the same time, with only one casting.


I don't know if this is possible to make, but it would be nice to have 1 spell, which can restore or fortify multiple attributes.

The benefit is that you can have fewer spells in your spell book (I have over 100 spells and it gets boring to scroll through them)

In addition you can gain the effects faster than casting several spells in a row.

In combat the benefit is not having to wait longer to get the benefits, and be able to fight back sooner.


The hand to hand thing. There are differences between fighting strength (the ability to cause damage) and carrying capacity.

In Oblivion combat, most melee characters use weapons because they can be enchanted.

Fists (unarmed attack) can not have enchantments, and are therefore "weaker".

Directly increasing strength would not fix this problem, as you could still pick up a weapon and do more damage.

The point was to be able to do decent damage unarmed, but not have it make weapon damage even worse.

If the weapons took damage because the character was so strong, when they hit something with the weapon,

the weapon was damaged too, there would be more of balance. It may not be worth coding, but it was an idea.


Feeding on animals. It's long been a part of vampire lore, and it allows more options, like a humane vampire.

You don't seem to care for the option, so I won't make further suggestions about it.


I have already downloaded the current Terran Vampires, and have been trying to find the NPC in the Imperial city.

He doesn't seem to want to show up, but I plan to keep trying to find him.

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There is one clan that has to mask their vampirism by default already - the Wraiths. Less-than-human vampires may have to mask their nature as well, at the cost of blood.


Funnily enough, I made a mod for personal use like that. Just a merchant with insanely expensive, high powered equipment so that I had something to spend gold on - who knows, maybe I will add something like that.


If with the spells you are suggesting you are asking me to make it possible to enchant things yourself like that, that is not the scope of this mod. If your spell list is cluttered, you may find a mod that lets you delete spells useful, or a hotkey mod with cyclers (lets you cast several spells by hitting one button). Otherwise - there are plenty of fortify spells in this, fear not.


Your fists cannot be enchanted. I can think of a few ways it can be simulated, but Oblivion is made for swinging swords and mauling with maces. I don't really want to change this as a lot of people - including me - prefer to fight with weapons.


Thing about feeding on animals is it makes it too easy to be humane. We want moral dilemmas, we want the player to feel a little guilty about taking that guys life when they really didn't have to. Either that or give them the smug satisfaction of having a woman locked up in a cage and slowly draining her essence, drop by drop. Veggie Vamps ruin this, wouldn't you agree?

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I don't necessarily want overpowered equipment, but things that are of decent value.

I'm not sure how else to explain it. There aren't a lot of clothing items that can be decently enchanted.


Spells and Fists. Neither of them we anything I felt particularly strongly about, but they crossed my mind during the ideas stage.

I have downloaded a spell deleter, so I have been slowly weeding out duplicate or useless spells.


Animal blood. Eh. As above, it's easier to come up with an idea than it is to implement it.

I'm just providing whatever comes to mind in the hopes of giving you ideas on how to make the mod more enjoyable,

both for you to make, and to play, and for others as well.

I know some people enjoy the horror aspect of vampires, and being a monster.

Personally, I think it's just easier to feed on people, as opposed to animals, but I always like to suggest alternate options.

You Know where people are going to be, and hunting animals in the woods can get boring quickly.


I've found the NPC who is supposed to inform me of the vampire meetings, but I fear I may have a "dirty" save file.

I experienced problems with the main quest. I had ported in a save game from a previous play through of Oblivion.

When I went to Kvatch there was no Oblivion Gate. I used to console to push the quest forward one step,

but I am afraid this may be why I can't get him to show any special dialogue.

I am also 65 days in playing (real time, total hours) as I have been exploring other aspects of the game, with side quests.

I have found the potions that are mentioned in the tips document, but with all the pop ups to inform me of the quest progressing,

I feel like I have missed a lot. Do you have any suggestions?

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If the save is dirty, then there is not a lot I can do. Although you are not missing a lot, you are basically given the back story of the terran vampires and that is all. Nothing special, if your in it for the powers then the potion is all you need.



200 views and no applications. Joy.

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I've noticed a few minor errors in dialogue from the version 1.4.

In one of the quest pop up windows while using the starter potion there is sentence where the word the appears twice in a row.

One of the spells (Blood Kinship) has the word toggle misspelled in the description window

Blood mending does exactly what I was suggesting above in having 1 spell that restores multiple attributes.

I'm still playing with things, and trying to find places. I'm not seeing the red quest flags to help guide me, which makes things take longer.

200 views means people are interested, maybe they will spread the word.

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As of 1.4 there is no quests to do, not a lot of havens made and even less of them actually usable. It served as a taste of things to come, but was discontinued.


As of the first release of our new remake, there may not be a "main quest", but we already have some side quests lined up for your dark pleasure. After all, we want the player to feel like a part of something.

There are several new havens being made as well. The main point of the first release is to finish what ZorakRamone started, and build the foundation of what is to come. After that we will begin to add brand new features.

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Nothing specific, but serious work can't start until we have people filling in the slots mentioned. I'm just a scripter who can't make models or decent stories, aside from one or two side quests. Urko has all the ideas and creates all the interiors and stuff like that, but he is still on holiday.


So if after 600 views no-one comes forward to fill in any openings, it leaves a lot of work for two people. Anyway, those anxious for playtesting will not see the beta version for a while, it won't be released until the new people, places, powers, quests, and blood system are all in place, as bug-free as possible.

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Taking a little inspiration from a site called "Vampire: Terran Kindred", another revival attempt which died out, I have made a few extra changes to the "passive" vampire powers - ie Vampyric Mobility and Strength.

For example, levelling in Vampyric Mobility also gives you "Flit", the ability to travel extremely quickly in short bursts.

Levelling in Vampyric strength also gives "Flex, which gives you the ability to jump high and send your enemies even higher with your sword strikes. You lose all magicka while this is active.

I am working out possible powers for Vampyric Resilience and Vampyric Will, any suggestions on this would be great.

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