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Companion Friendly Questions


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I've recently added my first companions to my game after having it for years, none of my my house mods were set up for companions. I've hunted and searched for answers to my questions and can't find answers to some of them. Hopefully ya'll can help me out.


I know furniture has to be marked persistent and the house has to be path grid.

I've seen references through my searching that there needs to be food and drink for them to eat (True? False?).

That Cobl can be helpful (True? False?). Never used that by the way.

Companions have problems going through load doors,from one cell to another in a house (True? False?). My next house plan is huge, hopefully won't have to scrap it.

How do they do in new world spaces?

Are statics, including food, a problem? I use a lot of static food and drink.


Anything else that I didn't think of to ask that ya'll think I should know?

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If the companion has an eat AI package and there is food around that is not owned (and if it is in a container the container needs to be unowned) then they will go and get food and sit down to eat (providing the chair/bench is unowned). Companions who have very low responsibility will go after owned food/containers (but you won't find many of those, because you'd be fighting guards a lot in cities trying to defend them).


COBL adds a lot of food items to the world. It also adds the "dinner plate" to inns but I'd think that the companion would need to have sufficient gold to use that (can't say for certain if they would even then ... never thought to test that).


If a companion isn't in follow mode they will stay in whatever interior cell you leave them in. They won't go to another cell to find food or a bed even if they have a package for eating/sleeping unless that eat/sleep package specified that other cell that had a bed/food (and then they would only do that when they were "home" ... but if they are in another place they'd walk home to eat and sleep unless you used conditions that they are in a specific cell before the eat/sleep package executes ... obviously not something an out-of-of-the-box companion has).


Statics are just that, a static mesh that can't be interacted with beyond functions that are added to it (like beds and chairs for example). You can use a static of a plate filled with food as a container though.


A good place to study companions is Emma's Companion Vilja and the add-ons for some of Emma's house mods (e.g. Aleswell Cottage ver 4_1).

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