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Take a Vertibird from the Prydwen


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This is another one of those small annoyances.

It just seems strange to me that I can't ride a Vertibird FROM the Prydwen. The Signal Grenades are meant to call a Vertibird and even the message you get after using one reads "A Vertibird has been dispatched to your location". Presumably, dispatched from the Prydwen, so why do I have to get OFF the Prydwen and throw a Signal Grenade in order to ride a Vertibird?


Especially in Survival, where Vertibirds are your main source of transport, you really should be able to fly directly from the Prydwen without using a Signal Grenade.


I came across this because I had two signal grenades left and was in the Glowing Sea. I used one to return to settlement, drop off all my loot, and then used the last one to fly to the Prydwen to pick up some more Signal Grenades. It's extremely immersion breaking for me to then have to get OFF the Prydwen and use one of my newly bought Signal Grenades immediately...


EDIT: for anyone that may be interested, the animation to fly to/from the Prydwen IS already in the game. Not only do you have to do so in a mission, but also you can call a Vertibird and have it fly you to the Prydwen, as well as watch it take off afterwards.

Edited by astantos
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So I've tried this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13642/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D13642%26preview%3D&pUp=1

Which manages to implement something along these lines. But after brief testing it works very inconsistently and has its flaws.


If someone could build on this guys work and perfect it they would be a hero of the brotherhood!


For now I'll have to stick to console commanding in a flare.

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