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Dog broke computer....


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It is actually both down on its side and open. Its of course temporary until I replace my fan. Which will be today unless I become lazy again.
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A gaming laptop defeats the purpose of a laptop as they are designed to be mobile, gaming laptops become bricks as they need to stay in charge.

Always go for a desktop!

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A gaming laptop defeats the purpose of a laptop as they are designed to be mobile, gaming laptops become bricks as they need to stay in charge.

Always go for a desktop!

This, and you pretty much have to pay through the nose to get the sort of performance you can get from a mid-range desktop. And at that point, what you have is essentially a small oven (that you unfortunately cannot cook with, much to the disappointment of many college students).


Since any gaming laptop would almost certainly need a place for an actual mouse, instead of a trackpad, it makes it even more unwieldy to try to use anywhere other than where you have a significant amount of space (eg, a table or executive desk). Yes, there's a fun aspect to being able to take a computer to a friends house to play games over a lan, but if you can drive, hauling a tower and connections around isn't that hard to do if your friend has a spare monitor or you have a flatscreen. About the only thing I remember being a pain in the ass with any of the lan parties I joined was bringing around a CRT monitor with me. Reconnecting things became trivial after a few times.

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i wont use a loptop for gaming. Of course there are lots of them available, but mind, you can't upgrade it easily. The other disadvantage is the trouble with the heat, some of my friend who have a laptop for gaming with high end cpu and gpu had a overheated gpu after two or three years. Another thing is the price, for a gaming laptop you have to spend around 1000 €, for a desktop with the same stats you have to pay 500 to 600 €.



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Trade in your dog for a robot.


ED-E > Rex.


:dry: but robots don't give you a lot of attention, and warm your bed in the middle of the night like a dog does (all pet owners who have animals that like to sleep with them know what i mean)

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Both cats here have barfing issues, and it just happens wherever they are at that given moment, so I always make sure to close the top of my laptop even if I'm just getting up for the bathroom. I don't want to have to explain to Office Depot that 'My cat barfed on the keyboard...' much less pay for repairs or a new machine!


Still, you couldn't have known all THAT was going to happen. I would have figured that the worst would be he eats the snadwich.

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