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Two little problems


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I need a little help. I've asked before and the solutions never seem to have permanent effects. I keep having these random freezes or crashes. Once though I was able to play up to 1hr non stop without any freezing or crashes. After updating AWOP (and a whole load of other mods) I performed the cell respawn by waiting in interior cells for 5 days (just to be on the safe side) now the freezing seems to have increased in frequency (especially in Novac) I can only get about 10 mins playtime before freezing. Another problem is crashing on exit. even the qqq command causes crashing on exiting the game. What I need to know is if any of my mods are causing it. (I went through them one by one and updated all the mods that needed updates (mainly due to the 1.4 patch) also I'm thinking of installing nVamp but what I want to know is:


1. Does it increase stability and


2. Do I have all the required mods. If no which ones do I need (no need to provide a link if they are on the nexus)


Because I know nVamp does to FalloutNV pretty much what FCOM does for Oblivion and I don't want to mess up my game.


I also have the 4gb enabler exe and NVSE



Active Mod Files:
00  FalloutNV.esm
01  DeadMoney.esm
02  HonestHearts.esm
03  FNVToolkit.esm
04  Active Wasteland.esm
05  Advanced Recon Tech.esm
06  AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm
08  decwithreg.esm
09  Detect Traps.esm
0A  FOOK - New Vegas.esm
0B  FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm
0C  Inventory Access.esm
0D  Military NV Backpacks.esm
0E  MoMod.esm  [Version 9]
0F  More Perks.esm
10  More Perks for Companions.esm  [Version 1.0.0]
11  More Perks for Dead Money.esm  [Version 1.0.0]
12  More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm  [Version 1.0.0]
13  More Traits.esm  [Version 1.0.0]
14  NVR-Strip.esm
15  Project Nevada - Core.esm
16  Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
17  Run the Lucky 38.esm
18  RZW_Master.esm
19  RZW_Portables.esm
1A  Selective Fire.esm  [Version 1.24]
1B  Tales from the Burning Sands.esm  [Version 1.21d]
1C  War Never Changes.esm
1D  Weapon Mod Expansion.esm
1E  WME - Dead Money.esm
1F  WME - Honest Hearts.esm
20  ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
21  ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
22  iHUD.esm
23  NV GameStabilizerA8.esm
24  CBC Dead Money Patch.esp
25  Compiled Patch.esp
26  Compiled Patch - DeadMoney.esp
27  Compiled Patch - HonestHearts.esp
28  Bobblehunt.esp
29  HUD Extended.esp
2A  The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
2B  AWOP-MoMod.esp
2C  NVR-NPCs.esp
2D  GoodspringsPlayerHome.esp
2E  Goodsprings Shack.esp
2F  RustTownV1-1.esp
30  SierraMadrev2.0.esp
31  The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp
32  NVR-SMOTS-V2-Version_10.esp
33  SMOTS-EC patch.esp
34  UHNV.esp
35  UHNV-Dead Money.esp
36  UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp
37  UHNV-Bobblehunt.esp
38  UWHNV-Core.esp
39  UWHNV-Addon-DLC.esp
3A  UWHNV-Addon-FollowerHome.esp
3B  FOOK - New Vegas.esp
3C  FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp
3D  Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
3E  Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp
3F  Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp
40  Selective Fire - Project Nevada.esp
41  Depth of Field ACTION V2 PCB.esp
42  enclaveradio.esp
43  Existence2.0.esp
44  CONELRAD 640-1240.esp
45  Radio Free Christmas.esp  [Version 1.0]
46  Radio Free Wasteland.esp  [Version 1.0]
47  SecretStash80.esp
48  Goodsprings Filler.esp
49  Identity Crisis Part I - Silent Struggle V2.esp
4A  NewVegasBounties.esp
4B  TheCollector.esp
4C  Story of ol' McCartney.esp
4D  War Never Changes - Seven.esp
4E  00 red cross.esp
4F  War Never Changes.esp
50  More Perks Update.esp
51  More Perks for Companions Update.esp
52  More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp
53  More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp
54  More Traits Update.esp
55  Active Wasteland - Vanilla Replacements.esp
56  Active Wasteland - Dead Money Replacements.esp
57  Active Wasteland - Coffee Maker.esp
58  Active Wasteland - Dead Money Coffee Maker.esp
++  Active Wasteland - Goggle Tints.esp
++  Active Wasteland - Dead Money Goggle Tints.esp
59  BankCard.esp
5A  FNV-PC idles.esp
5B  Detect Traps - Traponator 4000.esp
++  Detect Traps - DLC.esp
5C  populatedcasino.esp
5D  PortableCampsite.esp
5E  SaveCass.esp
5F  Advanced Recon Gear.esp
++  Advanced Recon Tech - Detect Traps.esp
60  Survivalist Crossbow-Surv.esp
61  Advanced Recon Armor.esp
62  Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp
63  Project Nevada - FlashlightNVSE.esp
64  Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
++  Military NV Backpacks - BumBagUseSlot1.esp
65  Military NV Backpacks - Vendor Script Replenish.esp
66  Powered Power Armor.esp
67  FairyRadar.esp
68  THE5 Visors Mod.esp
69  Mercy Killing Karma v2.0.esp
6A  Companion Sandbox Mode.esp  [Version 2]
6B  NVWillow.esp
6C  behemoth.esp
6D  dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
++  dD-More Gore.esp
6E  Jump Fall Fixer.esp
6F  Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp
++  Weapon Mod Expansion.esp
70  Project Nevada - WME.esp
71  WME - FOOK.esp
72  WMR_WME_R.esp
++  WME - Dead Money.esp
++  WME - Honest Hearts.esp
++  WME - FOOK DLCs.esp
73  EVE FNV.esp
++  WMEVE.esp
74  Mail Order Catalogs.esp
75  Mail Order Catalogs Hardcore.esp
76  Mail Order Catalogs DLC01.esp
77  Mail Order Catalogs DLC02.esp
78  NV GameStabilizerA8.esp
79  SimpleStreetLights.esp
7A  Nevada Skies - URWLHH.esp
7B  Bathing Mod.esp
7C  New Vegas Trade Center.esp
7D  DriveableMotorCycle.esp
7E  RZW_VideoCollection.esp
7F  RZW_BookCollection.esp
80  RZW_SimpleGrab2.esp
81  RZW_RecordCollection.esp
82  Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp  [Version 5.5.4]
83  ILO-RI-Original Lucky38 Suite.esp  [Version 1.1]
84  ILO-RI-Dead Money.esp  [Version 1.1]
85  ILO-RI-Honest Hearts.esp  [Version 1.0]
86  ILO-RI-Rust Town.esp  [Version 1.0]
++  ILO-RI-PipBoy Light.esp  [Version 1.0]
87  ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp
88  Bashed Patch, 0.esp





I also have geck and FNVedit and can do a bit of modding if required and yes I do read all the readme's and instructions. I'm also intending to buy the newest DLC (Old World Blues I think its called)


Lastly as I side note where can I contact the BOSS team. There are a few mods that I think would be useful in the masterlist that I currently have in my userlist

Edited by shopsD
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So far, nVamp is far from stable, and it's outdated for the mods it tries to integrate. Pick either FOOK or Project Nevada and uninstall the other. I would also look at your other mods and get rid of the ones that don't add much to your gameplay, as 136 active plugins is really pushing it. Edited by luthienanarion
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So FOOK and pProject Nevada are incompatible. Can you tell me exactly where the incompatibility lies. Is it likely to be the root of these crashes and what about merging, the UHNV DLC patches, the UWHNV DLC patches, the WME DLC patches the Razor wire gadgets patches and the active wasteland DLC patches each into their individual mods. (one ofr UHNV, one for UWHNV, one for WME, one for RZW and one for Active wasteland.
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The reason I don't want to do the deactivate reactivate is because I could play for up to 30 mins (sometimes less) before the freezes occur. Sorry for a small mix up but the game doesn't crash as I mentioned earlier it simply freezes. Task Manager says it stopped responding. Radio music goes into a loop during these periods but standard ambient music doesn't. I read somewhere the new max mods could be 75, so could someone give me feedback on the merging of the mods I mentioned above.
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The reason I don't want to do the deactivate reactivate is because I could play for up to 30 mins (sometimes less) before the freezes occur. Sorry for a small mix up but the game doesn't crash as I mentioned earlier it simply freezes. Task Manager says it stopped responding. Radio music goes into a loop during these periods but standard ambient music doesn't. I read somewhere the new max mods could be 75, so could someone give me feedback on the merging of the mods I mentioned above.


Well idk if im wrong but if its stopped responding its still technically a crash man :\

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My first reaction to seeing that giant list of mods...


Does anyone know the cause of the problems. I really want to avoid a deactivate then reactivate method.


Seems that thats your only choice...

I have to agree on that one. But you could still have mod conflicts, look around a bit, see what mods conflict with what. Most likely it would be mods that edit the same thing.

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