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I need an experienced scripter


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which means a script that detects if the item is enchanted, which then directs the nif path to it's own name with "glow" at the end. The nif model it would redirect to would have the emmissive channel all the way up, which would reveal the glow map. But, it has to also self detect whether the item HAS a nif model with "glow" on the end, and if it doesn't then it would not redirect the nif model. This would make it so items that do not have a glow model, or items from other mods, would not be auto directed if it's enchanted, making it compatible.


You could create a script like this:


ScriptName AddRemove01


Begin OnActivate

player.removeitem (original sword name) 1

player.additem (glowing sword name) 1



It's a simple script, and I think it would work.

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