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Textures missing and washed out looking graphics

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After re-loading a saved game, I noticed that a lot of the grass textures are gone and replaced with just a solid grey, mesh. Even walking into certain areas in the main city look like I'm underwater until I go up stairs to get above the mesh. Also, a lot of the textures look very bright and washed out. Trees look like blurry watercolor paintings. Whenever I start a game, everything is mega bright and washed out with all the wrong colors. Opening the console and typing in "TLB" fixes that. The problem comes when I'm outside where everything gets washed out looking and the textures for things are missing and just looking like a bland featureless patch. The patch is the same color as the expected texture, there's just no actual texture on it.


Is there also a way I can set up Oblivion so that I don't have to type in "TLB" every time I start a game ?


Could this be a graphics card issue ? I have a newly installed Radeon HD 5770 card that I just put in last week. Is it possible that I have to tweak a setting on it or is this some kind of Oblivion issue ?



Edited by BlacklightDragon
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The first thing I'd suggest is to let the game redetect your hardware. Rename your oblivion.ini file located in Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion if you use Windows XP or Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion in Vista or Windows 7 (NOT the file oblivion_default.ini located in your game install directory). After you've renamed oblivion.ini (I suggest renaming it oblivionini.old) when you restart the game it will try to detect your hardware an create a new oblivion.ini. Considering how old the game is it will probably not recognize your graphics card and will default to low resolution defaults. Change the graphics setting to suit yourself in the game menus, start a new game or load an old save and save (your new ini will be saved). If you still need to toggle light bright with the console your can open your new oblivion.ini with Notepad and find the line bFullBrightLighting and make sure it's set to read bFullBrightLighting=0 (you could also try changing your original oblivion.ini before you rename it and see if that works for you).
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WOW !!! That fixed ALL the problems !!! Thanks !!!!


I just had Oblivion re-make that file. Went in and changed the bright light setting to 0 and now everything looks proper and the textures are back.

You were right that it didn't detect my graphics card.

Edited by BlacklightDragon
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