JediKMan Posted December 22, 2017 Share Posted December 22, 2017 This has been happening to me in Starlight Drive for a while. Had to abandon it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DanielScott Posted December 31, 2017 Share Posted December 31, 2017 Hey fellas, just started to happen to me too. For me, it happened right after the update with the creation club. Oddly enough, I also get a CTD when I try to use the Decontamination Arc as well as when I try and scrap. 100% of the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JamesAutumn Posted January 1, 2018 Share Posted January 1, 2018 Man this problem is getting worse! Thankfully my only issue is building just in Sanctuary. I've been building like crazy elsewhere and connecting a bunch of needless wires as a test. So i must have something inherently bugging out Sanctuary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kaddigart Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 I've just spent a couple of hours poring over threads from all over the place trying to find a solution for this. As you can probably guess, no luck. This thread seems to actually have some repartee spanning several months so I figured I'd give the rundown of what I've learned, or haven't. For me the settlement is Red Rocket (less than 1000 objects so far), I've barely even begun powering it but can't really rule out the wiring theory yet because I've not tried to remove it all via console. Update forthcoming.The most common culprit is thought to be Homemaker it seems, but I don't think this is the problem, at least not singularly. I've done several complete play-throughs using it with no issues whatsoever.Some say increasing build limits could be the problem, again, don't think so. I've built settlements with well over 3000 objects with no issues except lag.It crashes no matter what I try and scrap, be it a tree, building, wire, whatever. So object type doesn't seem to matter.Starting a new game does in fact resolve the issue. Meh.I think it's worth mentioning I had installed no new mods or changed load order or any of the other usual suspected causes.I did a few quests in between builds (mostly RR) but this is not unusual play style in many PT's for me.One quest did glitch out on me, this is not unusual. But for the sake of being thorough it was Old Guns (the Artillery didn't show up in my menu). Again, having made no changes. What I've learned: not a f***ing thing. Just hoping maybe someone with similar issues might come along with some enlightenment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pitstop25 Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 I have been getting this for 3 days now and it driving me around the twist. I have absolutely no idea why it is now just doing it either. The only way I have found around it is to use the console when I need to remove something. Its a long winded way but it seems to work without any ctd. This is how for those that don't know. I did not invent this My mate told me this is what he does. Make sure to save your game beforehand.Open the console Using your mouse click on the object you wish to remove.Then type in the console "disable" then press enter.Verify the object has disappeared.If the object disappeared then in the console type"markfordelete" hit enter then close the console (if it was only the one object you wanted to remove. If not keep doing the same thing until you have removed all the objects you wish to remove)If the object you wanted to remove is wrong then type in "enable" to bring the wrong object you clicked on. Please make sure to do this before you type markfordelete or you will lose it for good.Once you have removed the objects you wish to remove then close the console and save the game.Now travel to one of your other settlements and sleep for 24 hours.Now travel back to Sanctuary and all will be good and save the game again.Please make sure you travel far away as you need to leave the cell that Sanctuary is in. I myself just fast travel to the castle and then sleep for 24 hours and fast travel back I hope this helps. Its the only way I know of to get around this at the moment. Like I have said it takes a long time to get things done, So if you are time limited I don't know what you can do. Just as an example I had to remove a barn and 10 lights and it took me 30 mins all told. But then I guess a lot of it goes by how fast you can type. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zooeyeve Posted February 1, 2018 Share Posted February 1, 2018 I was getting a CTD in Sanctuary every time I tried to place something from the "power" section, and this seems to have solved it for me. Serrel Jan 10, 2016 @ 2:26pm Go into the Fallout folder in Username\documents\my games\ Fallout 4\ and delete Fallout 4.INI and Fallout 4.prefs (Don't delete your saves folder).Go to your start bar and type in: %appdata% press enter. In the folder that opens, click local in the address bar at the top. Now delete the Fallout 4 folder (Not your game folder ;), you know you have the right folder cause it will contain a file called Plugins. If you still can't access APPDATA folder then do a Google search on how to access APPDATA on your version of windows.Mods Installed? Follow the optional step.Optional --- Now start the game to the screen where it says load game. Quit out to desktop. Now re-enable all your Mods via nexus mod manger and add any lines needed to Fallout 4.INI that you need to get mods working but nothing else.You have to follow every step to the letter including restarting the game and quitting out at the load game screen!No mods install or after doing the optional part, continue on.Try the game now. Don't use tools like that when you have no clue what you are doing or at least make a backup of Fallout 4.INI and .prefs (In my games\fallout 4 and not the ones in the actual game folder) before doing so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JamesBond38 Posted February 1, 2018 Share Posted February 1, 2018 I think the best way to play Fallout 4 is to store everything at Diamond City Home Plate (in the workshop).I have been told by many Fallout 4 fans DUN RESCUE PRESTON GARVEY at the Museum of Freedom (people complete the game and still sees him shooting at the raiders). We need to be the lone wanderer (like in Fallout 1). Unless Bethesda fix the issues, this game cannot reach its full potential. I have tried playing this game without helping settlements (I really feel alive, not a slave to the game anymore). Conclusion: Store all your stuff in containers and workshops (outside of Sanctuary Hills). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
axle356258 Posted February 23, 2018 Share Posted February 23, 2018 Here recently, I have been getting Power lines and Food resources disappearing in Sanctuary, Sanctuary only. I have all the main and all the DLC settlements unlocked and I build in everyone.. I have had this happening in the last 3 playthroughs, about 2 - 3 months now. The weird things is that the power pylons still show "powered" and transfer power to objects that require "wired connections" BUT there is NO POWER LINE anymore. also crops have disappeared as well.. These are the only 2 things, EXCEPT, I have noticed the body next to the dog on the other side of the river on the main Sanctuary Bridge, HAS FUKN disappeared also. Either he has come back to life and is playing a cruel joke or one of the next is happening. 1. I do NOT have any scrap mods in my load order, nor do I use any means to scrap other than vanilla scrapping.2. I have a few settlement mods installed, but none really have ever caused and issue.3. The items that disappear and the CTD item are outside a certain radius of the actual workshop.4. this only happens in Sanctuary when I use the "scrapall" console command.5. I have Done all that everyone has suggested to regain lost items and nothing works. So my assumption is that it has something to do with the Scrapall console command and Sanctuary, so I'm going to test this theory and start a new game and go from there without the scrapall usage. If anyone else has any insight to this please let me know Alxe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SKKmods Posted February 24, 2018 Share Posted February 24, 2018 I have used scrapall on hundreds (real number) of game starts OK. But if you use the scrapall console command with INI setting uGridsToLoad higher than the default 5 you will get problems between sanctuary, rocket and abernathy due to the proximity of the workshopareas. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skytechman Posted February 26, 2018 Share Posted February 26, 2018 (edited) This is a bug that I have not found any fix for except loading a clean save that hasn't had any issues with scrapping CTD. I got this bug when loading a settlement blueprint that added over 5,000 objects to my Sanctuary. Don't do what I did; don't disable every object in the settlement without using the markfordelete command. The objects will remain in your game and you won't know their IDs to fully delete them. Edited February 27, 2018 by skytechman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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