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First Person View on Horseback?

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Hi, a user of a mod of mine that adds horses to Skyrim has posted saying that they are unable to stay in first person view with my mod installed - I didn't even know there was first person view for horse riding? Going on the post I would say there could be a bit of a language barrier as it is a little hard to make sense of. Anyway it sounds like she doesn't want to use "Immersive First Person View" & is asking for recommendations - I have no idea what is available or reliable, is anyone able to help me advise her on this one? Thanks!

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Thanks! I haven't tried any mods like this myself so I didn't know what to recommend - & I already spend too much time on updating my existing files & providing options that I would never have bothered creating for myself without starting to find & test mods for other people as well. I really appreciate this as I prefer to help out anyone who uses my mod if I can :D

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Skyrim - Enhanced Camera has first person horse riding. I read the post you're talking about, seems they were just unsure whether it would work as intended, I can confirm this works fine on horseback, I've been using it for a couple of years now. Plus, 40,000+ endorsements can't be wrong.

Edited by kraag
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