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WTF moments


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When you complete the quest in the IC where you send the corrupt guard to jail, after ten days he breaks out and hunts you down wherever you are, even if you're inside an Oblivion Gate. That's where he caught up to me when I did the quest. After fighting off a swarm of tough Dremora lackeys in the Sigil Keep, I was confused when I noticed the battle music was still playing, and I turned around to find a half naked bald guy poking me in the back with a junky little iron dagger. I whipped out my magic stave and sent his butt flying over the ledge and into the fire pillar. :D Edited by Lehcar
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I am deathly afraid of vampires. They seriously creep me out. :yucky:


That said, I ran into a random fort or cave (I don't remember which) in the middle of nowhere, somewhere north of Balmora, rounded a bend and realized I was in a vampire cave. I ran like the devil and made it outside, where (thankfully) it was daytime. Because I was still spazzing from the vampire I ran up the road a ways before I calmed down.


After I started walking this random woman runs past me and not too far behind her there was a man chasing her. I shot the guy with my bow and when I walked up and clicked on his body it said "Vampire Sorcerer"


In the daytime? Really? WTF!!!



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I am deathly afraid of vampires. They seriously creep me out. :yucky:


That said, I ran into a random fort or cave (I don't remember which) in the middle of nowhere, somewhere north of Balmora, rounded a bend and realized I was in a vampire cave. I ran like the devil and made it outside, where (thankfully) it was daytime. Because I was still spazzing from the vampire I ran up the road a ways before I calmed down.


After I started walking this random woman runs past me and not too far behind her there was a man chasing her. I shot the guy with my bow and when I walked up and clicked on his body it said "Vampire Sorcerer"


In the daytime? Really? WTF!!!




Yep, for some reason, even the most starved of vampire NPCs are completely immune to sunlight in Morrowind/Oblivion.


I have a big WTF moment: I was walking along the Waterfront, minding my own business. I got up to the really tall tower in the center - the one with the ring-shaped walkway around it that you go onto when you enter the Waterfront - and saw a slaughterfish flopping around. I decided to hit it with a fire spell. After a more few seconds of flopping (while on fire), it proceeded to catapult in a perfect slow arc (while on fire) into the bay. It didn't die, by the way.

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Yes, ewww, the flopping slaughterfish on land thing O.o I had that happen in my game once too, in the middle of the main road leading through Weye. The creepy thing was that the NPCs happyly followed their daily tasks, totally ignoring the floppy fish in the middle of the road.



Martigens Monster Mod can lead to serious WTF moments in the game. I had a whole family clan of smugglers swimming around in the flooded part of a dungeon like peaceful school of fish. They never attacked me, just floated around in the water together.

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