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NVSE 4GB loader never uses more than ~1400 Mb

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Hello, i use FNV + DM + HH + OWB, updated to latest patch. NVSE 2b9 and the NVSE 4GB loader form nvse homepage. However even using texture pack (Poco Bueno, Ojo is too much unless you play through microscope) I noticed the FalloutNV.4gb (thats the process name after being launched via fnv4gb.exe) never uses more than ~1400 Megabytes of memory. thats pretty much as the normal FallouNV.exe uses. I've tried going into heavy populated areas, AWOP rumble zones, even instaled Warzones - no matter what I do the 4GB loader on my system never uses more memory. This all is while i have roughly 1Gb - 1.3Gb of free memory. What am I doing wrong, I mean there's 1gig of free memory sitting right there why doesnt the loader use it ?


I use Win7 x64 Ultimate, 4Gb RAM, 3GHz Quad Core Intel, Ati HD5670 1GB



For any insight into the problem I shall be thankful.

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If you use the NV Configurator: http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40442

You can increase the Interier/Exterior Cell Buffer


Description in NV Configurator:

Higher values means more exterior/interior cells are loaded into RAM.

Higher Values can be used if you have a lot of spare RAM.

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i forgot to mention these settings, but i already have the cell buffers at 12/144 (int/ext) and the preload size at 223mb. even if i max out the interior cell setting in nv configator (48) it yields no noticeable gain/loss of performance and the memory usage still never goes over 1400meg.


Just out of curiosity, can you confirm your FalloutNV.4gb process is able to use more than 1400meg of memory in Task Manager?



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you can circumvent that and even (im my own experience) gain additional stability/performance using the fake fullscreen mode found here: nexus link.



Also on completely unrelated note, I remember in one thread you mentioned your game always crashes/hangs on exiting. then in another thread you posted your nv configator screens and i noticed you have Multithreaded Audio on. This is in my experience a no no, causes no performance gain and causes instabilities. also it coincidentally makes your game srash at exit :)



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Fake Full Screen mode will INCREASE stability? Really? Can anyone verify this?


Isn't the fact that it will prevent the infamous CTD on Alt-Tab haunting all gamebryo games since oblivion increasing stability enough for you? For more info on its inner workings i'd suggest you contact the author. Meanwhile, go and see if your FalloutNV.4gb ever gets over 1400meg in Task Manager.



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I use fn4gb NVSE loader and I can confirm, through my Logitech G13 lcd screen Cpu and Ram percentages which I have on all the time, that the game uses from 2.8 - 3.5 gig (above and beyond the 1.6 gig that Win7 64 and my various game devices use.) Prior to that the game only used @1gig. I was thinking of trying Fake Fullscreen just for convenience but that would disable the AVG (my anti-virus) function of giving up ram when I go full screen (very gamer friendly.)
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I use fn4gb NVSE loader and I can confirm, through my Logitech G13 lcd screen Cpu and Ram percentages which I have on all the time, that the game uses from 2.8 - 3.5 gig (above and beyond the 1.6 gig that Win7 64 and my various game devices use.) Prior to that the game only used @1gig. I was thinking of trying Fake Fullscreen just for convenience but that would disable the AVG (my anti-virus) function of giving up ram when I go full screen (very gamer friendly.)


well this points out at something being amiss at my configuration as my fnv never goes above the 1.3-1.4gig of mem usage. Any idea what though? this is a fresh install, but i t was doing it before as well. It concerns me because Fallout 3 on same machine uses 2gb+ memory with 4gb loader np



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Isn't the fact that it will prevent the infamous CTD on Alt-Tab haunting all gamebryo games since oblivion increasing stability enough for you? For more info on its inner workings i'd suggest you contact the author. Meanwhile, go and see if your FalloutNV.4gb ever gets over 1400meg in Task Manager.



I can alt-tab to windows and back all day long with no extras at all. Just make sure the ESC menu is pulled up first :biggrin:

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