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Okay, this has gone far enough.


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Could it be there is a difference between people playing female characters and people playing male characters? Maybe people playing males are more interested in gameplay mods and not as interested in clothing? Much like in real life where males often dress conservatively with plain colors (black, blue, beige) and uninteresting design. Whereas women are often much more flamboyant in their attire.


The stereotype would be we guys over at the tech counter looking at all the new gadgets while the girls are all lined up at the cosmetic counter. So maybe what we see in Oblivion modding is actually a reflection of real life, and maybe when males play female characters we develop a little bit of their mindset - no offence meant to any real woman reading this, I'm just thinking from the male perspective, which is mostly incapable of understanding you.


I agree with you, though I'm a woman who plays female character if possible.


- For hair mods, many people complain about 'there're not enough male hair mods, while there're tons of female hair mods'. But seriously, how many guys you met in real life have truly interesting hair style? What about media like movie, animation, game, and so forth?

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I think the real issue with topics such as this is, they serve no purpose.


What is happening here?

One person opens a thread mentioning his dislike for skimpy clothing officially. Other people join in, either supporting the OP's notion or arguing against it.

The first rude comments and offenses pop up, of no relevance to and ignored by the major audience. Some senselessly feel attacked and defend themselves, then a moderator pops up and issues a few warnings, the topic becomes more civil again.

The same old arguments are recited over and over as was the case in numerous such threads over the last years, everybody supporting his or her own standpoint.

All we get from it is better knowledge of who's in which camp, which isn't really of any use to anybody.


Do you expect any of the skimpy clothing modelers to suddenly jump up and yell "Oh my! I was so wrong! I will never create any skimpy clothing again anymore!"? Certainly not gonna happen.

Will there be any more modelers creating non-skimpy clothing as there were before this topic came up? Pretty sure not.


So what, apart from defining the exact borders between the two camps, are the benefits of such a discussion?

Of course everybody is allowed to express his/her own opinions and make his/her points. That's what discussions are about. But it's also a fact the one camp of the discussion won't care and the other camp is already on your side.

So again, what's the purpose of discussing this? Nothing will change no matter into which direction this will go.


In the end the community can only agree to disagree in this topic, again, and that's it.


For the records, I'm a male. I'm playing a male. Female characters I only play short-termed for play-testing of female assets in my mods. I dislike too much skimpy clothing myself, as I think it's unrealistic to run around clad in only a metal bikini. No sane female would ever do that.

I'm only mentioning this because you started it. It is of no relevance to anybody else than me and nobody else will ever care what I prefer or not. I am in no way attempting to convince anybody of my own opinions nor am I telling them their's were wrong. Any such attempt is useless and pointless. As is this thread (again only my own personal opinion).

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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How tired I am of this discussion. I did not read all the comments, so feel free to crucify me if what I am going to say has already been said.


First and foremost everything - and I mean EVERYTHING - posted and uploaded on the Nexus is a matter of personal taste. Period. You don't like it, don't look at it, the end.


And who gave you the right to say that a shop mod is "not enough"? Who are you to say that it is worth less than the "proper mods" you speak of, which you do not elaborate any further by the way? What kind of "proper mods" are you talking about? Following your line of argumentation, only mods with male clothing are "proper mods"?


To be honest, I don't see all that many "skimpy" mods in the featured section. What do you classify as skimpy?


I am female and not a fan of the next best chain bikini masking as actual armor either. But you are talking like there are no male armosr AT ALL. Which is not true at all. You might have to search for them a little harder, but they are there.




I am sorry if I am a bit harsh, but your thread name and opening post were obviously purposely written to provoke reactions like mine, so here you go.

Edited by chakaru11
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hold on hold on hold on

im just here to say to the above poster : that's YOUR opinion you could have said it nicer btw

no body flame him/her keep it civil (ignore harsh comments if you are WINNING)

in MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION i think that the armor tab and the weapons and armour tab consist of 35% male armour 50% skimpy female armours and 15% proper female armours

and while the male armours are mostly just reskins or (not as good) simple armors (no offence to the makers) the female skimpy armours really show ingenuity and what the modders are capable of and channelling that to male armours would greatly improve that 35%


if i was harsh gimme a slap but please dont flame

Edited by khaledrocks
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Of course a lot of modding is endorsement driven. You see this a lot with younger or new modders begging for endorsements, and you can come to the conclusion that pursuit of endorsements was a strong motivating factor for them. And I don't condemn them for that. Endorsements do give you this wonderful warm fussy feeling that could easily become like an addictive drug.


As a modder I have kind of a split personality. I play both male and female characters. My male characters are a manifestation of my self, or how I would like my self to be. My female characters are more likely to conform to my perception of an attractive and desirable woman.



Your post was well said, but in particularly, these 2 above lines are very true.


If the OP wanted some kind of explanation as to why I like skimpy clothes on females. Theres one huge reason: I'm a 25 year old male.

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There is no proper way for me to respond without either A) embarrassing myself or B) insulting someone.


So a quick search on deviantART will comment for me:




(I mean no offense to anyone. I just feel like this has been brought up so many times and the topics usually go the same way. I don't like overly-skimpy outfits myself, but still. I've learned to operate under the 'To Each Their Own' mentality.)

Edited by DesuChan
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hold on hold on hold on

im just here to say to the above poster : that's YOUR opinion you could have said it nicer btw

no body flame him/her keep it civil (ignore harsh comments if you are WINNING)

in MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION i think that the armor tab and the weapons and armour tab consist of 35% male armour 50% skimpy female armours and 15% proper female armours

and while the male armours are mostly just reskins or (not as good) simple armors (no offence to the makers) the female skimpy armours really show ingenuity and what the modders are capable of and channelling that to male armours would greatly improve that 35%


if i was harsh gimme a slap but please dont flame


There is a nice saying in Germany that loosly translates into "you are treated the way you treat other people." And that is exactely what I did. I was NOT flaming at all, I responded according to the opening post and the thread title. If the thread starter says that this "has gone far enough!" and thinks that "skimpy female armors" are not "proper mods" and that "shop mods" are "not enough", I respond accordingly.


Especially since the term of so called "proper mods" has not been elaborated by the thread starter in any shape or form.


The entire first post screams "provocation!", so the reactions are perfectly understandable.


And please don't use "personal taste" as an agrument. As I wrote in my first post: personal taste is not even debatable, because discussions about it will never lead to any kind of solution.


According to you that first post was perfectly allright because of the "personal taste" backdoor. But at the same time you say I was flaming and harsh, just because MY personal taste is different? I was not any harsher than the thread starter him/herself!



As for the actual debate here: I agree with Desu, this particular topic has been adressed many times and most of those threads were started just to stir up trouble. So yeah, dead horse an' all.

Edited by chakaru11
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Why is sex collectively viewed as something dirty? I find it ironic that the OP feels offended by skimpy clothing, but not by mods like Deadly Reflex where people chop eachothers heads off left right center with blood spurts all over the screen. :P
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