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Is it possible to have unique power armor frames?


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Wondering whether it's possible to set up a totally unique frame for the player to use that doesn't override the vanilla one. Theoretically it should be possible as Scribe Ingram has her own unique frame but I have no idea how the game handles power armor frames so I'm not entirely sure where to start.


It would make my life easier though as the armor mod I want to make would essentially be a frame with the armor permanently attached as part of the frame, it would also mean I can edit the frame as much as I want (like removing the hardpoints for the pauldrons or the oversize hinges for the forearm armor).

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I noticed that a mesh isn't defined in the actual outfit found in the armor categroy but in an armor addon tied to it. So I guess if I made a new armor addon with my new mesh, then tied it to a copy of the existing frames, it would work I guess?

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