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Your Brain Companion


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Has no one else had this run through their head? after the completion of the main quest of Old World Blues could there be an option to place your brain in to a Think Tank as a companion?
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In fact, you could probably just use the general template of the eye-bot companion from Primm. The only real thing missing, however, are weapon implements somewhere on the body. Would be funny to be able to continue conversing with your brain though!


Although now all I can think of is if the dialog changes if you have a super low INT when doing OWB...

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yeah not a bad idea to use ED-E as a template stringing together the duologue and audio would be the tricky part. as well as implementing the quest. He'd also need a Follower Perk for when hes following you as well as Light Step because he floats. Edited by tnu
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In theory, you could copy the same conversation bits from the interaction with the pod in The Sink (where your heart and spine also are). So long as there is a 'Goodbye' option within, you're set. The rest I don't believe would require any dialog interaction itself (activating inventory, weapons, etc).
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Maybe it could be a sort of reversed Skynet thing where you have your brain and your mission is to find a suitable body for it. So you could place your brain in a variety of different bodies.


1. A Think Tank

2. A duraframe eyebot

3. A brainbot (would be nice since it has actual arms)

4. A cyberdog (not the best idea)

5. A Securitron (gives access to arms, an auto-repair ability, and the lasers, missiles, machine guns and grenades the Securitrons have)

6. Transplant the brain into a lobotomite or another human body.

7. Just put it back in your own head as you normally would.


Or maybe there could be a mission where you can put your brain into a legendary deathclaw or some other ridiculously overpowered monster (I haven't played it yet so I'm not sure if the giant robo scorpion would be tougher than a deathclaw). That ought to make it harder for someone to mess with your brain again.



Benny: I'm a gonna shoot you in da head!

Brainclaw: Rawwwr! (rips Benny in half with a single swipe of its claws)


Father Elijah: I'm a gonna knock you out and put a bomb coller on you!

Brainclaw: Rawwr! (smashes through the side of a building, eats Dog/Gog, rips through the gates of the Sierra Madre and hunts Elijah down)


Think Tank: We're a gonna take yer brain out.

Brainclaw: ROAR!

Think Tank: Oh yeah... thats how you got that body. Um, never mind then.

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Maybe it could be a sort of reversed Skynet thing where you have your brain and your mission is to find a suitable body for it. So you could place your brain in a variety of different bodies.


1. A Think Tank

2. A duraframe eyebot

3. A brainbot (would be nice since it has actual arms)

4. A cyberdog (not the best idea)

5. A Securitron (gives access to arms, an auto-repair ability, and the lasers, missiles, machine guns and grenades the Securitrons have)

6. Transplant the brain into a lobotomite or another human body.

7. Just put it back in your own head as you normally would.


Or maybe there could be a mission where you can put your brain into a legendary deathclaw or some other ridiculously overpowered monster (I haven't played it yet so I'm not sure if the giant robo scorpion would be tougher than a deathclaw). That ought to make it harder for someone to mess with your brain again.



Benny: I'm a gonna shoot you in da head!

Brainclaw: Rawwwr! (rips Benny in half with a single swipe of its claws)


Father Elijah: I'm a gonna knock you out and put a bomb coller on you!

Brainclaw: Rawwr! (smashes through the side of a building, eats Dog/Gog, rips through the gates of the Sierra Madre and hunts Elijah down)


Think Tank: We're a gonna take yer brain out.

Brainclaw: ROAR!

Think Tank: Oh yeah... thats how you got that body. Um, never mind then.

lol :)

Cool ideas too.

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