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Fairy Companion


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I don't want to play this race as my main character. But I would like it as a companion. It would work like most companions. But I think it would need a short script. To make her fly off the ground. I assume flight resets every time your on a loading screens.


Anyone willing to take up the project. Would be great if you did.

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I think this is what you wanted, not sure as I haven't downloaded this.



Edit: whoops, I think this is just a yukata for it...


Edit 2: This might be...


Edited by Unlimitedrevolver
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I think this is what you wanted, not sure as I haven't downloaded this.



Edit: whoops, I think this is just a yukata for it...


Edit 2: This might be...





Thank you. I think this what I'm looking for. I hope to figure if it working later. Wished was a English version on Tesnexus for it. :)

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Thank you. I think this what I'm looking for. I hope to figure if it working later. Wished was a English version on Tesnexus for it. :)


Well, I hope it works. Also you should disregard the first link as I couldn't find a download on it. I'm downloading from the second to see if it's the right mod.


Edit: It works, but it's in Russian...

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For reference, how large is the fairy? 1-6 in tall? 6-12 in? Also, what is the position of it as it hovers above the ground? Or does it just follow like a normal companion would, with the only difference being that its walk animation is replaced with a lich/flying animation? This seems cool though and it would be nice if any clothing you have automatically fit the fairy body proportions^^.
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For reference, how large is the fairy? 1-6 in tall? 6-12 in? Also, what is the position of it as it hovers above the ground? Or does it just follow like a normal companion would, with the only difference being that its walk animation is replaced with a lich/flying animation? This seems cool though and it would be nice if any clothing you have automatically fit the fairy body proportions^^.


From what I've played in the mod so far, it's a small flying fairy about a foot tall(?), I couldn't really tell about the following or walking animations since I couldn't read the Russian commands. Also I think the clothes don't auto-fit. :sad:

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I myself don't know. I was thinking that someone make a companion from the tiny fairy race. They would need to add something to the effect whenever loading screen event ended, to input minus key. Which is used as the flight key for the character race from the description I have read. Minus key is for flight. While equal sign is to landing. I believe the bracket keys are for flight speed. [speed]


http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34953 is the link to the race. Their are Two versions. I picked what I think would be better choice of the two.



Ideally I would like to cloth it like in dryad outfit from midas magic patch costumes outfits. Butterfly wings would be cool too.

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