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2016-05-12 Patch SDK Changes


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What do you mean by set them up by myself? Is there a way to overwrite whatever ModBuddy gets Src/XComGame?


And no davidallen, like I said creating a new mod doesn't give me the updated files at all. Apparently I've just been very lucky that none of my mods ever needed any code that was ever changed by a patch.


You probably *could* change the default projects that ModBuddy uses, but I'd just recommend that you go to steamapps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\Development\SrcOrig\XComGame\Classes and just use those to "update" the ones in your project. You know, find UIArmory_Promotion.uc and get the newest version from SrcOrig, rinse and repeat with your files until they are all updated.

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So one thing that's been updated, is there's a cool new UI system in place for when you skulljack or ranger-slash an enemy. The tiles you can stand in are lit-up, and you choose which spot to stand in when you do your attack. You used to be able to do this with the ranger slash by default, but now you have the ability to use the skulljack from a specific tile.

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Alternatively, it's just pulling the class templates and using the icon data from them. Can you just edit the template icons on-the-fly? RankIcons is just a localized array<string>. You could try just replacing the data on load by modifying the template, or maybe adding in a new localization file that might be able to replace the icons without requiring code to do so?

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Haven't tried anything new yet for that stuff. I'm still open to whatever suggestions.


Dealing with Templates (directly) seems to be a good solution on first thought.. but these Rank Icons are --everywhere-- which made that MCController method sooooo appealing. I think InfectedM should be a good source of help in that specific case.


Aren't Localization files highly varied? From English (INT) to many more?

I don't want to be stuck in multiple support pipelines if i can.


The point with that UIUtilities_Image function is that it's centralized enough that a lot of external modifications can simply connect to the loop without further needs like -- Listeners.


Trouble is -- codewise, i somehow lack the minimal skills to find the correct ways to do so. :sick:

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So another thing I discovered just recently ...


If you try and launch uncooked (like say want to run the debugger through some base-game code, or trying to build an XComGame replacement), you can't run with the AlienHunters DLC. I just tried, and the game hangs while trying to load a strategy savefile, with the log spamming the message :

[0119.92] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Level'
    XGBase Avenger_Root.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XGBase_0
    Function XComGame.XGBase:AreAuxMapsLoaded:040C

This is because the DLC is only shipped in cooked fashion, so when running uncooked it can't load what it needs to in terms of content packages. I had this problem with Anarchy's Children as well, but in that case at least I'd only get missing body part content, which was fine for debugging.


In this case my suspicion is that it is trying to load the new Armory backdrop and failing, and falls into an infinite loop because of it. For now the solution is to simple turn off the DLC while doing such tests.

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I'm noticing similar issues too, but I don't have the DLC. An absolute metric s#*&#33;-ton of ScriptWarnings about accessing None, everything from XComGameStateVisualizationMgr, XComHumanPawn, UIPawnMgr, UIPauseMenu... tons of "[0023.65] Warning: Property m_CharTemplate of XComGameState_Unit is not serializable for package: FArchive" warnings, "EventID: TacticalGameEnd BAD SOURCE OBJECT! A listener was set that is not referenced by the History object"...


Do you think there there is some issue with the current build of the game that is causing so many of these errors? The game actually does seem to be functional...

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Having the same issue (and I do have the DLC). Its a double edged knife... on one hand, allows me to see if my code is being silly, but on the other hand... it makes really hard to read the log with all that spam! Its something they enabled for sure, because I was getting "Access None" thingies when I wasnt before (and it realted 100% exclusively to my own code, not XCOM)

Edited by Hyperplexed
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There are extra arguments to `log() that you can use to categorize your own log messages into a different log category. This can make them easier to read. E.g.

`Log("My log message",/*A condition goes here to log only if a condition is met*/,'SomeName');

Then in the logs it'll say something like:

[0021.32] SomeName: My log message

This can make it easier to grep for your own messages by searching for "SomeName:". As a bonus, you can use the "+Suppress=SomeName" directive in XComEngine.ini to suppress all of the logs in this category, so you can set up detailed tracing that is suppressed by default but you can turn on (with a -Suppress) for debugging.


There's also the "FilteredLog" section in DefaultEngine.ini that looks like it'll log particular categories into different log files, but I couldn't get that to work.

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