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Norweigan Terrorattack


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And the suspect behind it claimed that he used Modern Warfare 2 for training.





First the Christians and now the gamers.

Oh god Jack Thompson going to love this.

Norway is such an awesome Country, can't belive people would do these acts.

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It's a tragedy what happens there. They norwayian people are such a nice family like folk. I was there in Oslo two years ago and i have only good thoughts about my visit there. In german news they said it was a misguided Christian radicalist who wants to stay in mind as a bad guy.

Ar the moment i'm in Dresden (Germany) and i have read on a newspaper (yellow press) that this guy was here in Dresden on a meeting of nazi peoples at the 18th February, thats disgusting...

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My deepest condolences for Norway. What a tragedy, that sick, psychotic terrorists bomb and shoot up an island in what I'm pretty sure is a fairly PEACEFUL country.


Is it really true that it happened to a children's camp?

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@Kuraikiba: Well, more like a youth camp for political activists for the workers party. When the bomb first went off, I though immediatly that this was Al Qaeda or something, but when I heard that this camp was attacked, I knew it had to be some right-winged dude.
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I want here to express my condolences (sorry I'm late) and my great respect of how the people of Norway deal with this times of sorrow. I find that extremely exemplary! It touched my heart deeply.
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