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Which faction did you side with?


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Not sure if there's already a topic about this, lemme know if there is.


Anyway, which faction did you side with? Did you join the NCR, side with the Legion, or did you continue with Benny's work and start an independent New Vegas?


Me? I decided on an independent Vegas. It seemed like the most non-evil choice. Just a shame Yes Man became another Mr. House.


What I found most interesting about New Vegas, and the factions you can join, is that the NCR and even the Legion were not completely evil, nor where they saints either. They all had shades of grey, just some were deeper than the others. The Legion seemed very Machiavellian (better to be feared than loved, that's the way to earn the respect and loyalty of people), and the NCR... well they seemed to rely heavily on diplomacy.


Both these factions seemed to offer positives and negatives and they would both restore order and civility to the Mojave, but in different ways. As said in the introduction, the NCR was founded on the old principles of democracy - in contrast to the Legion which is an obvious rehash of the Roman Empire which was an aristocracy, run by an emperor who was chosen by the senate and only the senate. However, the NCR is often held back by a lot of red tape, and they are often accused by the people of trying to control everything and imposing heavy taxes. They may seem unfair, but taxes and control are what we experience in real life, and our taxes are what the government uses to improve things like roads, and fund things like scientific studies (which in the game, would go toward ways of improving human life). It's even alluded to the fact that they go by the who "innocent until proven guilty" mentality when you do the Heartache by the Number Sidequest.


As for the Legion, they are the complete opposite of the NCR. Going by the politics of the Roman Empire, they follow the aristocracy. All the power is in the hands of the emperor (which in this case, is Caesar). If they were to control the Mojave, it would most certainly become a military state. The are far more well organised than the NCR, and seem a lot stronger as well. Both the NCR and Legion have the same core goal, to see humanity get back on it's feet, but because of their differing ideologies and approaches to this goal is why they are at odd ends of the spectrum. They are both against the completely evil factions (like the Powder Gangers), and they deal with them differently (NCR incarcerating them, and the Legion... crucifying them).


I think the biggest difference between the NCR and the Legion is how they want to achieve their similar goal. The NCR relies on democracy and diplomacy. You can tell they want to do good and help the entire Wasteland, and even the whole of America, but they are held back by all sorts of red tape. Also, the process of justice is slow, as they go by the "innocent until proven guilty" mentality. As for the Legion, they are highly utilitarian, and seem to prefer the swift and hard justice - whether they are innocent or not is up to Caesar. Also, it's mentioned by Cass at one point that even she, an NCR supporter, admits that if the Mojave would be a much, much safer place if the Legion was in control, as they aren't held back by politics.


so, it seems that both sides have their positives and negatives. It's all a matter of your own personal opinion on whether you think one is better or worse than the other. You could argue that by siding with the Legion, you're sacrificing your freedom for safety, but safety is something that's a big concern in the Wasteland. You could also argue that NCR are nothing but a bunch of bureaucrats are are not fulfilling their promise to restore order and progress into America.


Or, you could choose a third option and start an independent Vegas. But even that has some repercussions, as Yes Man could become another Mr. House.


So, that's my two caps. Your thoughts?

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I started with Yes Man.


I see NCR as a complete failure and trying to redo what started the war in the first place.


I see the legion as a tribal army that will fail in a matter of decades when ceaser dies.


I see Mr.House as a fascist, he wants to control humanity and have it ruled by profit motives.


I thought using Yes Man would be good, but the scripted ending sucked on purpose so people would do other factions.


The ending for a independent new vegas should of been better, but the game devs made it bad on purpose.


That being said I now almost always side with Mr.House. He may control humanity, but he does allow for quite a lot of freedom. Humanity as a whole is better off with Mr.House and simply logic.

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There's repercussions of everything you do in New Vegas, and no faction is totally good or evil. Honestly, I agree in wishing that the independent Vegas ending was better, but that's what fanfiction is for, I guess...


Dammit, I hate it when the fate of the world is on my shoulders...

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I finished my first playthrough supporting the NCR, gonna finish the Yes Man ending as soon as I'm done with the DLC's.


Why? Because both House and the Legion are fascists who hate freedom.

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I've sided with all factions except the Legion. Just couldn't bring myself to do that. The thing I have against the Legion isn't only their juvenile misogyny (ie thinly-veiled horndog domination fantasies conveniently brought to life under cover of social philosophy) but mainly their lack of creativity. They do nothing but take from others, and seem incapable of even building on what they steal. You'd think a warrior tribe, led by an ex-follower no less, would at least try to build superior weapons. I mean, Caesar is sitting on top of a mass of tech and only wants it destroyed. (Okay, ballistic fists might be the one example against that idea, assuming that they made those, but I think even if that's the case it's a pretty meager accomplishment in the grand scheme of things.) And their armour looks ridiculous too. :tongue: Although I agree with GenocideLolita to some degree, at least House creates. Though my main reason for siding with him was imagining what I could do in his position once he's finally gone. (Which is why I was disappointed that the courier's role in things, once siding with house, is left so unaddressed.) And I seem to recall that there is some indication of humanism in him - doesn't YesMan make some sort of comment that House wanted an increased role for the followers after the Hoover Dam battle in contemplation of a lot of casualties making their way to Freeside? (Just goin' from vague memory here.)
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Because he's an opportunistic, inhuman despot who has no interest in actually helping anyone in the Wasteland, he's basically a Caesar with robots.

What makes you think that?


It's fairly obvious once you advance far enough in the game.


doesn't YesMan make some sort of comment that House wanted an increased role for the followers after the Hoover Dam battle in contemplation of a lot of casualties making their way to Freeside? (Just goin' from vague memory here.)


Never heard that. If it's true, House probably just wants them patched up so they'll live long enough to spend money in his casinos.

Edited by GenocideLolita
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I usually take NCR or House.


NCR because they are the largest Faction in Mojave Desert, if you get vilified by NCR, you have difficulties almost everywhere, inclusive the strip.

If you get vilified by the Legion, what happens? Almost nothing, since they almost don't control anything in Mojave.


House, because he have the visions for the future and the know-how with pre-war technology. He was the founder of Robco. He aims for the stars and get to the trees, and that is better than Legion, that don't really have the long-term visions, Yes Man, no thank you. He obeys anybody that he come across with.

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