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Which faction did you side with?


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Again, it comes back to my "shades of grey" argument. No faction in the game is totally innocent, and none are saints either. There's repercussions for all our actions. As the old saying foes, "no good deed goes unpunished."


The NCR, I think, are an interesting case. They seem to be the closest to what kind of government we have today. In the Mojave, most people have mixed feelings about them, some strongly support them, and some just outright hate them. I think this is because democracy hasn't existed in America for over two hundred years, so people just aren't used to having anymore than a sheriff in charge. The "control" that they keep talking about is taxes and a government being in control.


But that's just what I've gathered from the game. I'm not defending the NCR, just theorising on them.


God, I have no life! :rolleyes:

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It's fairly obvious once you advance far enough in the game.

No, its not.


You raise a robot army to take over the dam at the end of the game, nothing else.


The dialogue Mr. House has says nothing about taking away freedom. His society would be more free then what America is now.


He will simply want people to use the casinos. No other faction is thinking about humanity as a whole, and Mr. House gives more freedom then the NCR and the legion.

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So you're saying that raising the robot army and securing the dam does nothing to effectively secure Mr. House's position as the indisputable ruler of New Vegas?


If he has no interest in taking away freedom, why isn't anyone welcome to enter the Strip and test their luck at the roulette tables? Why are there poor and destitute people struggling to survive out in Freeside, and armed Securitrons in place to keep undesirables from setting foot the Strip?


If it's freedom, it's only for those who can afford to pay for it.

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So you're saying that raising the robot army and securing the dam does nothing to effectively secure Mr. House's position as the indisputable ruler of New Vegas?


If he has no interest in taking away freedom, why isn't anyone welcome to enter the Strip and test their luck at the roulette tables? Why are there poor and destitute people struggling to survive out in Freeside, and armed Securitrons in place to keep undesirables from setting foot the Strip?


If it's freedom, it's only for those who can afford to pay for it.

Hmmm sounds like the NCR to me.


In fact, the NCR was oppressing freeside much more then Mr. House was.


Mr. House will clearly open the strip to anyone after the NCR and everyone else is gone. The reason he had the strip closed off is due to the warring factions and criminals.


He took over to dam to kick the NCR and legion out, it was not symbolic at all. Did the NCR take over the dam to show everyone that they are now the indisputable ruler of New Vegas?

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House wasn't oppressing the people in Freeside, he just didn't care about them and left them to live in squalor letting only a select few move into the Strip. The criminals and warring factions you mention in Freeside are the direct result of House caring only about the Strip, since he didn't bother with providing Freeside with at least some level of order and law enforcement.

Also, according to the New Vegas treaty signed by House and the NCR, the NCR must supply the Strip with some amounts of food and clean water. Guess who aren't getting any of that food and water? Right, people in Freeside.


Conclusion; House is a bastard.


The NCR wants Hoover dam as a proper foothold in the Mojave wasteland, also to provide communities with electricity.

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House wasn't oppressing the people in Freeside, he just didn't care about them and left them to live in squalor letting only a select few move into the Strip. The criminals and warring factions you mention in Freeside are the direct result of House caring only about the Strip, since he didn't bother with providing Freeside with at least some level of order and law enforcement.

Also, according to the New Vegas treaty signed by House and the NCR, the NCR must supply the Strip with some amounts of food and clean water. Guess who aren't getting any of that food and water? Right, people in Freeside.


Conclusion; House is a bastard.


The NCR wants Hoover dam as a proper foothold in the Mojave wasteland, also to provide communities with electricity.

He can't just go out and help everyone in the world with his limited police force. Of course he can't do a thing with a few robots. Once he has a entire army it changes everything.


Guess who isn't giving any of that food and water to freeside? Right, the NCR.


The NCR does not give communities electricity outside of themselves, it provides its own communities with electricity.

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House wasn't oppressing the people in Freeside, he just didn't care about them and left them to live in squalor letting only a select few move into the Strip. The criminals and warring factions you mention in Freeside are the direct result of House caring only about the Strip, since he didn't bother with providing Freeside with at least some level of order and law enforcement.

Also, according to the New Vegas treaty signed by House and the NCR, the NCR must supply the Strip with some amounts of food and clean water. Guess who aren't getting any of that food and water? Right, people in Freeside.


Conclusion; House is a bastard.


The NCR wants Hoover dam as a proper foothold in the Mojave wasteland, also to provide communities with electricity.

He can't just go out and help everyone in the world with his limited police force. Of course he can't do a thing with a few robots. Once he has a entire army it changes everything.


Guess who isn't giving any of that food and water to freeside? Right, the NCR.


The NCR does not give communities electricity outside of themselves, it provides its own communities with electricity.

How do you suppose the NCR would be successful in doing that? They are fighting a war, their supply lines are being destroyed before they can make it to the front-lines. They have a autocratic dictator with a metal boot on their throats, an army just across the river who up until the first battle of hoover dam had only been toying with them.. Attacking a few here then fleeing and attacking again. Gorilla warfare. Then you have the fiends on the other side of the strip who are constantly harassing the center of their operations in the Mojave.


Crops aren't growing out in the dead land, the ranchers are unhappy because they have no economy. They barely have enough power to support the towns they control, and then when you get helios one online. You have to send most of the power to the strip due to the one sided deal House forced them into.


And I agree that House is a dictator. Back when i played this game on xbox I played the house campaign, and realized at the end that he was going to be much harsher on the strip, and all of its inhabitants because he needed to keep the people in line so that when the time came he would be ready. Ready to send them to space or what not.. Frankly though if we are to go by realism, then it was going to take Mr. House one hundred years or more to accomplish his goals. And he lives indefinitely so assuming some other wasteland a**hole doesn't kill him before he is ready, he would enact his plan and affirm his status as ruler of the West.


NCR must have taxes. This is like people arguing in real life that taxes are too high, but then saying they want to keep all their nice benefits. You can't have both at the same time. If NCR were to stop charging taxes then they would not be able to defend most of the towns they control. The biggest problem i see with NCR now, is that they expand far too quickly and so someone somewhere is going to get rolled over by them, and then NCR will have a civil war on their hands.


Yes man has an eerie skynet ending to me.. Especially at the end when he says he is going to be more assertive. I would much rather just kill him, but it seems you can't keep him down.. Personally in my game I upgrade House's army and then when the time comes I pull a 180 and kill House, and handover the robots and the strip to NCR.


And the only reason the NCR wasn't giving food out to all the freeside denizens is because Pacer had previously attacked them. But you forgot to mention that part..


Really though my biggest gripe with all the factions in this game is that no matter what i do the followers always seem to be doomed in the end..


And to offer my thoughts on the legion I will quote Veronica "They mount each other as often as they mount their woman.." Get it? Good, I don't like the legion. Their slavers, and they treat woman like s***..

Edited by Dan3345
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House wasn't oppressing the people in Freeside, he just didn't care about them and left them to live in squalor letting only a select few move into the Strip. The criminals and warring factions you mention in Freeside are the direct result of House caring only about the Strip, since he didn't bother with providing Freeside with at least some level of order and law enforcement.

Also, according to the New Vegas treaty signed by House and the NCR, the NCR must supply the Strip with some amounts of food and clean water. Guess who aren't getting any of that food and water? Right, people in Freeside.


Conclusion; House is a bastard.


The NCR wants Hoover dam as a proper foothold in the Mojave wasteland, also to provide communities with electricity.

He can't just go out and help everyone in the world with his limited police force. Of course he can't do a thing with a few robots. Once he has a entire army it changes everything.


Guess who isn't giving any of that food and water to freeside? Right, the NCR.


The NCR does not give communities electricity outside of themselves, it provides its own communities with electricity.

How do you suppose the NCR would be successful in doing that? They are fighting a war, their supply lines are being destroyed before they can make it to the front-lines. They have a autocratic dictator with a metal boot on their throats, an army just across the river who up until the first battle of hoover dam had only been toying with them.. Attacking a few here then fleeing and attacking again. Gorilla warfare. Then you have the fiends on the other side of the strip who are constantly harassing the center of their operations in the Mojave.


Crops aren't growing out in the dead land, the ranchers are unhappy because they have no economy. They barely have enough power to support the towns they control, and then when you get helios one online. You have to send most of the power to the strip due to the one sided deal House forced them into.


And I agree that House is a dictator. Back when i played this game on xbox I played the house campaign, and realized at the end that he was going to be much harsher on the strip, and all of its inhabitants because he needed to keep the people in line so that when the time came he would be ready. Ready to send them to space or what not.. Frankly though if we are to go by realism, then it was going to take Mr. House one hundred years or more to accomplish his goals. And he lives indefinitely so assuming some other wasteland a**hole doesn't kill him before he is ready, he would enact his plan and affirm his status as ruler of the West.


NCR must have taxes. This is like people arguing in real life that taxes are too high, but then saying they want to keep all their nice benefits. You can't have both at the same time. If NCR were to stop charging taxes then they would not be able to defend most of the towns they control. The biggest problem i see with NCR now, is that they expand far too quickly and so someone somewhere is going to get rolled over by them, and then NCR will have a civil war on their hands.


Yes man has an eerie skynet ending to me.. Especially at the end when he says he is going to be more assertive. I would much rather just kill him, but it seems you can't keep him down.. Personally in my game I upgrade House's army and then when the time comes I pull a 180 and kill House, and handover the robots and the strip to NCR.


And the only reason the NCR wasn't giving food out to all the freeside denizens is because Pacer had previously attacked them. But you forgot to mention that part..


Really though my biggest gripe with all the factions in this game is that no matter what i do the followers always seem to be doomed in the end..


And to offer my thoughts on the legion I will quote Veronica "They mount each other as often as they mount their woman.." Get it? Good, I don't like the legion. Their slavers, and they treat woman like s***..

The NCR has never helped anyone outside of the NCR, even before the time leading up to the second war.


Having a dictator is not bad if the dictator is a good one. Mr. House wants to continue his current system, so having a number of freedoms is already granted for the strip.

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How do you explain the battle between the kings and NCR then? And the fact that you can prove to the king that ncr did extend a helping hand only to have it destroyed by Pacer?
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How do you explain the battle between the kings and NCR then? And the fact that you can prove to the king that ncr did extend a helping hand only to have it destroyed by Pacer?

The NCR did not extend a helping hand, a single squad extended a helping hand. She had a extremely hard time getting it through with her superiors if you remember correctly.

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