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Which faction did you side with?


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Whatever, man.

You ignore the main point of my post to instead focus on things such as whether the Kings are tribals or not and speculating about what the Fiends would do if they suddenly would decide to sober up and set up a camp near McCarran, while I've constantly put forth evidence that House completely ignores the situation of the people in Freeside.


I think I'm done here.

House does ignore freeside, and I don't see that as a issue.


I have already explained that Mr.House had a very limited secritron force before the courier, and the king would have not wanted mafias trying to help out.


Everyone before the kings were pretty much just criminals that probably couldn't be helped anyways, the king set up order for a independent freeside.


Either way, why does it matter if he helped or not? That has nothing to do with what would have happened in the long run after Mr. House won the dam and had complete control over the wasteland.

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Ahhh the factions...


I first went for Independent Vegas with my saintly courier and was not too happy to see Yes Man hinting that he would become the new leader of the Mojave...


After that, on my second playthrough, I attempted the House quest-line, hoping for a nicer ending. Though generally pleased that House didn't go all 'Legion' on the surrounding communities, Cass' ending slide suggested that she jumps off Hoover Dam. Not what I expected. Or hoped for.


On my third playthrough, I went with the NCR, and through being a diplomatic courier, I got pretty much every settlement and tribe through to the end and mostly intact. (With the exception of Novac. That place always seems to be flattened by Legion, regardless of ending)


Oh and me siding with the Legion? Not a chance. I gun down Caesar. Every time.

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Ahhh the factions...


I first went for Independent Vegas with my saintly courier and was not too happy to see Yes Man hinting that he would become the new leader of the Mojave...


After that, on my second playthrough, I attempted the House quest-line, hoping for a nicer ending. Though generally pleased that House didn't go all 'Legion' on the surrounding communities, Cass' ending slide suggested that she jumps off Hoover Dam. Not what I expected. Or hoped for.


On my third playthrough, I went with the NCR, and through being a diplomatic courier, I got pretty much every settlement and tribe through to the end and mostly intact. (With the exception of Novac. That place always seems to be flattened by Legion, regardless of ending)


Oh and me siding with the Legion? Not a chance. I gun down Caesar. Every time.

It doesn't make any sense why cass kills herself, no reason that should of been put in IMO.

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Back to the topic: I did separate playthroughs for each faction and I also read on fallout Wikipedia how My action affected the mojave.


Turns out that whatever you do à bunch of people gets rolled over.


So since I can't save everyone Im just going to enjoy my life! :D

From the point of view of the curier House offers the best living conditions after Hooverdam, I also assume that he pays the most in caps refering to the ending, the curier would also be the right hand of the single richest and most powerful man in the Mojave.

Not bad not bad.


Now what does the Ceasars Legion has to offer? Caesar owes you his life and your face is on the Legion money, plus I now can get myself some household slaves saving me the trouble of cleaning my home and maintaining my own guns.

Huh, I might even convince the legion to Count high-tech as forbidden items(like the drugs) and have them civ.ing. It to me :). Oh and how about traveling to the Washington DC, I heard that legion roads are the safest around.

Well tjat pretty much covers everything, i am going to Edit this later and fill in the NCR but these are the best endings avaible IMO.

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personally, I went for Independant. took six months due to some unfortunate game-breaking glitches to do witth hidden valley...fortunately fixed in one of the more recent updates.


I supported House. his ideals, ideas and motives appeal to me.

he'll get things done, make things good, and makes a decent hands-off ruler for the mojave.

plus he pays well :P


my finale was true badassery.

I strolled through the battle of hoover dam wearing my usual armor (see below)



totally wiped the floor with the legionaries I met, then when the NCR tried to stop me completing my objectives in the control room, I pwned their power armored guards in under three seconds.

wiped out every soldier on either side who came near me, walked (due to being overencumbered, but it was awesome anyway) through the legate's camp, then upon confronting the legate, talked him down (as a woman no less) and persuaded him that he should leave.

then walked out, and (on my own) surrounded by NCR veterans. told General Oliver exactly how it was gonna be. and forced him at gunpoint to sign an unconditional surrender in the name of Mr House. that plus the "you and what army?" bit just made my evening :P


my Character believes in absolute loyalty to the employer. Mr House hired me to bring him the Platinum chip, I brought him the platinum chip, and I killed every poor bastard who tried to stop me. I totally ignored yes-man, that guy annoyed me no end...

I even got a little mod to allow a peaceful resolution with the Brotherhood of Steel for Mr House.


I don't think I've ever felt loyalty to a video game character before :P Mr House definately inspired it in me.

I was his agent in the field, totally his right hand woman. and it felt damn good.

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as mentioned, they are the closest thing to RL government. Barack Obama said it best: "Flawed but indispensible."

Sure, it has corruption; yeah, the President is a jerk@$$ with suspiciously imperialistic tendencies... but the NCR in general is a decent, lawful society. It brings order, and more importantly, it brings unity. The NCR is quite possbly the largest- if not the only- nation in the Wasteland... and you want to destroy it? If it was evil, then yes, I'd tear it down no matter how big it was- but humanity needs to be united under the rule of law and order, and if the NCR government can do that, then it's good enough for me.



House offers an interesting question to the player- given a choice between rebuilding earth and finding a new world, which would you choose? Given a choice between a Wasteland democracy or a new WORLD order somewhere else... what do you pick?

This is a man who spent two hundred years in hibernation because a defense grid he activated to protect the Mojave glitched and nearly killed him. He could have thrown in with the Enclave- he had contacts in China who shut down nukes for him, surely he would have known about the US government's plans for nuclear war- or he could have fled to space or to an underground bunker.


"I could not have 'saved' the world, nor did I care to, but I could at least protect my city."

His speil about how he didn't want to be worshipped, nor care about how his people lived- "I shall give Vegas law and order, and nothing else" -really intrigued me. I always hate having to kill him... he assumed that the player would recognize his overriding concern for the general state of humanity, of his plans to colonize another world and begin again.

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