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Which faction did you side with?


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.... my Character believes in absolute loyalty to the employer. Mr House hired me to bring him the Platinum chip, I brought him the platinum chip, and I killed every poor bastard who tried to stop me. I totally ignored yes-man, that guy annoyed me no end...


I even got a little mod to allow a peaceful resolution with the Brotherhood of Steel for Mr House.



That armour is quite cool and yet so eerie. Somethin' about that mask...


Yeah, I gotta admit that, when I did the House ending, it was fun (and disturbingly easy) to adopt he absolute loyalty thing. But that little mod you mentioned made it all possible - just no way I could screw the Brotherhood after becoming a Paladin. That woulda negated the very essence of my char. However, despite the loyalty to House thing, in the back of my (char's) mind tho, I was always thinkin' of becoming numero uno once House kicked the bucket

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So trooper.. A safe government.. a re-establishment of the old world 'stability'


Or a new world?

A 'new' start.


What say you?

Both. With me as supreme overlord.

A new old world.

On the one hand, House's plan seems to have more long term potential. Short of mass producing GECKs earth is pretty much screwed for a while. OTOH, there's no guarantee that House can find a suitable planet... have WE even found a suitable planet? I know that he'd have sci-fi technology, but really, unless he terraforms Mars or soemthing, he's going to be searching for a while, and if the next door star system doesn't have something suitable....

Still, if he can terraform another world, he should be able to terraform this world. I'm surprised that he isn't trying to get his hands on GECKS or similar tech. If he wants to colonize Mars or something, shouldn't he start by terraforming Earth? Radioactive or no, it's still more inhabitable than Mars, and he's on it already.

Something doesn't add up. Maybe he didn't get into the details- there's a war, after all, and making plans to colonize Mars doesn't mean s*** if you get splattered by the Legion- and he only mentioned the colony missions in a single paragraph of dialogue... all the same, I wish that it wasn't left as vague as it was. Even if there were just a few notes in a Lucky 38 terminal or something.

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Mr. House. NCR doesn't appeal to me for some reason. Besides, Mr. House gives the Courier a lot of benefits as stated in the ending. Ruling a country is too much stress that is if Yes Man doesn't turn into Skynet. In which case the whole Mojave is screwed. The NCR remind me too much of Manifest Destiny. The Legion, at first appealed to me, but my character's a female and she doesn't really feel like being the mistress of some officer. Not to mention without Caesar himself the Legion could easily fall apart. although I do see Lanius actually keeping order in the Legion following the death of Caesar.



Marcus provided a lot of insight to my decision. Which led me to the Mr. House decision.


I still don't get Cass's ending slide. So I'm going to be a non-realist canon person and assume she and the Courier are living the life in Vegas. Well, that's partly canon anyway.

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Is it just me or is everyone ignoring the personal gain aspect? Could anyone give à selfish answer?

Still house.


Under the NCR and Legion you pretty much just get a medal and walk away.


Under Mr. House, you stay as pretty much the most powerful person in the world as well as living in one of the cleanest most secure places in the world.


So for personal gain, Mr. House wins again.

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Is it just me or is everyone ignoring the personal gain aspect? Could anyone give à selfish answer?

also still house for that :P

same reasons as above.


House promised me Job security, made me wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice, and gave me (and I do mean -gave- me a place to stay) gives me free reign in how I work, doesn't ask how I do it...and he's got a freakin army of robots! how's that for awesome?

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I never side with NCR they tax anyone who joins them even Primm. House, no thank you. Legion no way. Only yes man remains. At least you are the one shaping the future. Instead of letting others manipulate you. every faction has hidden agenda's. I'd rather be the one shaping the future.
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I've sided with NCR. I'm thinking about another play-through and choosing Legion but they have so few quests. I would need some considerable mods to make it worth my while...which is unfortunate. Also, if you side with the Legion, who is your Final Boss?
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I've sided with NCR. I'm thinking about another play-through and choosing Legion but they have so few quests. I would need some considerable mods to make it worth my while...which is unfortunate. Also, if you side with the Legion, who is your Final Boss?


General Oliver and his Power Armored NCR shocktroopers. I think Veteran Rangers are also in the mix.

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