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Which faction did you side with?


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I was afraid of that Klayman34.


Also a friend of mine recently asked the question "What else is there besides law and order?" I couldnt actually find an answer to this question which made me begin to doubt Mr. House as the best ending...


Also doesnt the faction you side with become a nuclear power(Due to the nukes in the divide...if there are any left..)

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ModelIV well I dont want to spoil anything but I will say they tried going to the divide before and failed. Reason why are in the game, but I don't think they're going to want to go back the the divide anytime soon.

Also I never said I think NCR and house are best because House is the smartest semi-person alive, and NCR is good ol' America. So its hard not to vote for them. Like at one point wasn't real America do imperialism too? Like sometime in the 1890-1930 era.

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Not sure if there's already a topic about this, lemme know if there is.


Anyway, which faction did you side with? Did you join the NCR, side with the Legion, or did you continue with Benny's work and start an independent New Vegas?


My Courier aimed for an independent New Vegas. Marcus made some good points about the problems with NCR and the Legion, and I thought Vegas should be free of being under the heel of the NCR, the Legion, and Mr. House.


I see the story as the Courier's Xanatos Gambit for an ideal, emancipated New Vegas. My Courier tried to make the best Vegas possible - he dealt with the Powder Gangers and the Fiends, convinced Papa Khan to leave with the Great Khans, he told Philip Lem and his people to join the Great Khans, made alliances with the Friends of the Apocalpyse and the Boomers, destroyed the potentially dangerous Brotherhood of Steel, and worked alongside Yes Man to achieve his goals of a free Vegas. Killed Caesar after my Courier made his name among the Legion ranks. For most of the story, my Courier helped out NCR, since he figured the NCR forces would be forced to withdraw and the Securitron armies could commander control over what the NCR once controlled in the region - from McCarran Airforce to the Sharecropper Farms.



Me? I decided on an independent Vegas. It seemed like the most non-evil choice. Just a shame Yes Man became another Mr. House.


Mr. House could be taken down. Couldn't Yes Man, especially if the Courier is knowledgeable about science and technology? If Yes Man shuts down to download all the pieces of technology that he accumulated from Mr. House's software, I'd imagine the Courier could deal with him, permanently.

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Hmm...Well you didnt have to make a new topic to ask that quest(didnt see this until after i answered)


Its fairly possible you yourself could control New Vegas with the use of the securitrons but personally i think the Wasteland would be very different from the way it is now: Anarchy which...i dislike.

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Well heres my take on the factions after playing through it all a few times.


The Legion; Obviously a bit too blood thirsty, but this is the End justifies the Means incarnate. Caesar knows the NCR is closing in on those fated moments where they will face the pinnacle of the pasts technology, and be forced to decide what to do with it. He knows that the NCR will not be the only ones to face such options, and thus fears it (technology.) not in the sense that it scares him, but in the sense that he knows what happened, as we all should in Fallout, and that a good man must act to stop it from occuring again. Now he has decided that he must commit "evil" to rid the world of "evil" and thus strikes out to make the legion, hell bent on conquering the world, driving its people into a dogmatic state of near religious views with constant wars of expansion and subjication but without the technology that can burn away entire cities. In this he strives to save humanity itself at the cost of individuality. For him, its about the numbers.


Mr. House; An old world genius and man of high taste and high class, he wants to bring industry forth into the world again, with humanity free to do as it wishs so long as they adhere to their contracts, kinda similar to how things work in the real world in a global sense, Great chance for prosperity and not only to regain the world of the past, but to improve upon it. However he has little to no caring for the prospect of a even playing field for the average man, and is more interested in corporations/tribes/and all around piramed(sp ><) structured organizations, where the ruling caste can control the worker caste. The only thing that seperates him from the Legion, other than the desire for technology, is that hes at least courtious to his would-be slaves.


Enclave: To hell bent on destroying impurity to survive, like their counterparts in the BoS they will now face the harsh reality of altering their own beliefs and cores, or dieing out like the dinosaurs they claim to be. Has the greatest potential for good or ill of all the factions, with not only advanced knowledge of the old world, but the ability to progress old world technology into a new age with improvements.


Brotherhood of Steel (west coast.); Facing the same decision Elder Lyon faced after his march through Pittsbourgh, they have to decide if they are going to die, mysterious and lonesome deaths in their bunker-tombs, even out in the field facing off against the rest of humanity for their noble, yet backwards beliefs, or if they are ready to embrace humanity and follow the same path as the Followers, to teach mankind of technology, to dismantle all that endangers them and swell their ranks with recruitment and union to the other powers in the wastes.


Dead Horses/Sorrows; Now this is a seldome thought of group, but still bears mention, depending on how you ended things, you have either the begining of another Great Khans/Legion or the innocents who will soon be faced with expansion either at the hands of House, NCR, or Legion. The fertile valleys of Zion will not go unmolested by the outside world for long as word of it spreads, any power that stand will desire their lush lands for their own needs. The Dead Horses and Sorrows are like infants taking their first steps down the road of nations and, as I said, depending on how you ended Honest Hearts, could easily become a growing "super power" like their House/NCR/Legion counterparts. Especially with the Burning Man at their head.


Big Mountain: No matter how you end it other than killing them of course, is a soulless bunch of relics bent on their own advancement in science and cares not for the humanity or the nations of the wastelands. Their patriatism burned away with their old world colors. Unless destroyed or imprisoned, to do the bidding of another (another possible ending.) They would burn the world again in the forges of industry and science unchecked by morality.


The NCR: Easily the most recognizable of all, they are modeled after the allies of WWII for a number of good reasons. While their vast numbers will win the way against most every enemy they face, they lack the unity required to truly reforge the nation. While they preach of rights and brotherhood they condem those who stand against them by either shot, or shovel (imprisonment/conscription.) and offer little room for those who do not willingly, and almost eagerly join with them. Much like the union during the civil war, your options when facing the NCR are simply, join us, or your children will join us. The only thing that seperates them from the legion is their use and procurement of technology. While they do try to enforce rights and laws upon their citizens, and make efforts to aid those in need. They are far more aggressive than a honorable man should be.



Now as for the not understanding how the BoS is on the lamb from the inferior equiped NCR. This is a very common, and effective tactic in all of history. Look at WWII for example, the allies had inferior equipment and training on the European front. Yet they won through by mass production and mass mobilization. For every German that fell, a dozen allies fell, yet with so many, they stood no chance against us, and thus we won through to Berlin. The same is the case with the NCR and the BoS. Dispite their supperior armorment, and training they just cant stop a endless tide of humanity.

Edited by minngarm
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Hmm...Well you didnt have to make a new topic to ask that quest(didnt see this until after i answered)


I thought it might be off-topic, since this thread focuses on what factions respective people chose at the end of New Vegas. I wasn't asking here at this thread as much as opening up my idea about the Courier possibly dealing with Yes Man, since the narrative shows that he can deal with technology and machines with sufficient intelligence and skill in science.


I suppose it doesn't really matter, since no story DLC will explore post-Vegas (regardless of which faction our respective Courier sided with), but I simply don't think Vegas is doomed to be ruled by Yes Man if the Courier is intelligent enough to do something about it.



Its fairly possible you yourself could control New Vegas with the use of the securitrons but personally i think the Wasteland would be very different from the way it is now: Anarchy which...i dislike.


There's good and bad with all of the endings, which I like. There's no "perfect" solution.

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Ok, I started to side with Yes Man, then upon almost full completion changed my mind and went to re-start the quest with House. Mr. House's quest stalled however. I am no longer in possession of the platinum chip, and have no way to activate the robot army. I will probably side with Yes Man again, but would like to make the Brotherhood of Steel or the Enclave the new rulers.
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