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How to force the "Talk Menu"?


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I want to know if there is a way to force characters into the "talk menu". As in, is it possible to somehow force a character that won't talk to me to talk to me?

Is there some console command I can use? Or some mod I can install that gives me a spell or something?

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Okay, if you have to know,,,
I'm using an early version of Paradise Halls, and I'm trying to "catch" a bandit girl, but the talk menu won't appear no matter what I do.

And since I probably alienated everyone with that answer, I probably won't be getting any more replies to this tonight... Yay...

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Try resetting the actor. Go to console ~

Then click the actor

Disable/enable command in succesion will reset the character.


If that doesnt work, try command "kill" and "ressurrect" , this will also delete any memory associated with quests and so on, be careful.


If it is just a generic you could duplicate, use the placeatme command for that.

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I should point something out here. The characters I'm trying to... talk to have never had anything to say. They're bandits, only interested in killing my player character. Also, the talk menu appears for some bandits, but not others. What's going on here?

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This means you have to get them into your faction. Each actor in the game (also you) is in a faction. You can do this automatically with any follower mod [EFF, AFT] and so on.
There are also console commands that allow you to do this. Most bandits should have follower speech.

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