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Old World Blues-Muggy companion!


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Yea. Putting the 'barks' and random chatter into a companion is gonna be a multi-tier process that is outside my skillset. But, to stay with the rules of the. This will involved unpacking the dialog lines from the OWB BSA. But, you WILL NOT be able to post them. You will have to give folks instructions on unpacking those dialog resources and the file structure you are using in your mod.


That would suck. I strive to just put a single esp and bsa for every mod, making it as easy as possible for the player to install and uninstall. Wouldn't it be possible to make a audio ref like normal, that simply points to the wav (I'm assuming) in the OWB BSA? Then referencing the audio ref exclusively so you don't have to unpack anything. In fact did htey *not* do it that way in OWB (I haven't looked)?

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Yea. Putting the 'barks' and random chatter into a companion is gonna be a multi-tier process that is outside my skillset. But, to stay with the rules of the. This will involved unpacking the dialog lines from the OWB BSA. But, you WILL NOT be able to post them. You will have to give folks instructions on unpacking those dialog resources and the file structure you are using in your mod.


That would suck. I strive to just put a single esp and bsa for every mod, making it as easy as possible for the player to install and uninstall. Wouldn't it be possible to make a audio ref like normal, that simply points to the wav (I'm assuming) in the OWB BSA? Then referencing the audio ref exclusively so you don't have to unpack anything. In fact did htey *not* do it that way in OWB (I haven't looked)?


I would assume that it would be done something like that. When I was trying to put together my Toaster Holorifle mod I couldnt figure out a way to 'find' the audio file in the BSA. Had to unpack them outta the BSA and set them up as seperate reference. But, I'm not an expert by any stretch.

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Yea. Putting the 'barks' and random chatter into a companion is gonna be a multi-tier process that is outside my skillset. But, to stay with the rules of the. This will involved unpacking the dialog lines from the OWB BSA. But, you WILL NOT be able to post them. You will have to give folks instructions on unpacking those dialog resources and the file structure you are using in your mod.


That would suck. I strive to just put a single esp and bsa for every mod, making it as easy as possible for the player to install and uninstall. Wouldn't it be possible to make a audio ref like normal, that simply points to the wav (I'm assuming) in the OWB BSA? Then referencing the audio ref exclusively so you don't have to unpack anything. In fact did htey *not* do it that way in OWB (I haven't looked)?


You can not post stuff from a DLC, IF its just posting a fully unedited item for the sake of bypassing the person needing the DLC. You make the mod dependent on OWB you can release it all just fine, there is no issue with somthing like that.

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Maybe in the quest, Muggy gets beaten up and needs repairs so you repair him somewhere/somehow and muggy gets a small side effect, He looses his obsession with mugs and becomes a Tesla Coil/Pyro/Electric obsessed robot?. Any one of those or possibly 2 or 3 of those.
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if you read the description on my mod i am putting in the voices in the MKII version of the mod, actually.


Relax that wasn't an attack on your mod. You'v copied some follow packages and added the player faction to vanilla models. At the present time you don't know how to insert your actors into the game world and are requiring your players to use console commands to spawn them. Nor do you know how to do very basic functions like set muggy's scale.


What Raverbane is saying (and I'm asserting as well) is that the barks are actually fairly complicated. You may want to work on placing your actors in the game world, giving them companion functionality and other basic functions before you try to handle the somewhat convoluted process OWB uses for barks.

that's why i am working on a MKII version of the mod, the current version was really just to see what people think of the idea on the whole, i am working on setting muggy's scale and placing them in the game world and even a quest,

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You can not post stuff from a DLC, IF its just posting a fully unedited item for the sake of bypassing the person needing the DLC. You make the mod dependent on OWB you can release it all just fine, there is no issue with somthing like that.


Makes sense. Thanks Nivea, I appreciate the clarification from an experienced modder.

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that's why i am working on a MKII version of the mod, the current version was really just to see what people think of the idea on the whole, i am working on setting muggy's scale and placing them in the game world and even a quest,


change base scale; doubleclick on the actor, select stats tab, change base scale to whatever.

placing them in game world; load a cell (Cell View window->select world Space, click on the editorID you want them to be in). Left click and drag your actor to where you want them in the Cell View Window, release. Hit F to make them drop.

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You can not post stuff from a DLC, IF its just posting a fully unedited item for the sake of bypassing the person needing the DLC. You make the mod dependent on OWB you can release it all just fine, there is no issue with somthing like that.


Makes sense. Thanks Nivea, I appreciate the clarification from an experienced modder.


No problem, its a common question/problem. So long as the item/mesh/texture/sound/ect is not from a different game (fo3 ect), and as long as you require the person to own the DLC you may post resources up without issues. The problem comes when you provide unedited resources so that a person who does not own the DLC can take advantage of items they did not pay for.

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