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Codeworth starting conversation edit?


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So if you go straight to Codsworth after exiting Vault 101 he will be crazy and won't believe you at all about your husband/wife being dead and your son kidnapped. He then makes you go on a pointless "kill the bugs" quest and then leaves you to your own devices. However, if you talk to him AFTER rescuing the people from Concord he actually believes you when you tell him the dire news and immediately wants to come with you. Could someone fix this so when you exit Vault 101 you get the post-Concord conversation with him and so he can come with you to concord? Obviously the "kill the insects" quest would need to be set to completed after the conversation was over. One thing that might be doable is after he gets you to come with him to search Sanctuary then when you've killed all bloatflies in both houses THEN he would give you the "dire news let me come with you to search for young Sean" bit?


Not really sure if it CAN be done to be honest, but I would love it.

Edited by WaRi0
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You don't even need to rescue Preston and crew for Codsworth to ask to join you. All I used to do is talk to Codsworth, then go to Concord. Just get the mapmarker then go back to Sanctuary and talk to Codsworth again.

Not sure if he asks to join you if you haven't spoken to him at all before going to Concord. These days I skip both him and Concord and do my own thing.

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