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The institute Quantum Box aka The infinite box: we can carry all you want


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I know it sounds strange, but if the institute has managed to invent teleporters. Then what if is able to create a special box, with an infinite storage to carry any object we need or we find during our adventures, without having to bring Brahmins or other companions?
That's right: imagine having to always travel. and you do not want to return in your nearest settlement, because you have reached the maximum weight of items that you can carry.
With this box we can solve this annoying problem.
Maybe it is possible to make different variations:
Normal: it is like a normal container. We can put anything we want, and insert / drop in our inventory as often as you want. Or just select if we want go inside.
Living Quantum Box: can we use this box as a small portable Institute refuge, and decide where to put our stuff as best we want. The equivalent of an ordinary room at the Institute, but square and quite small. At least with a few comforts for our needs. A bed, boxes and containers to store our valuables, a water dispenser and a cooktop We can insert / drop in our inventory whenever we want. Or just select if we want go inside.
HQ Quantum Box: A truly portable Institute HQ, much larger and spacious. There are shops, restaurants and pharmacies. Workshops where you can create anything you want. relaxation area for those who are tired of the dusty and dirty Wasteland, complete with a swimming pool, a mini bar and rooms for our companions. And obvious insert/drop in our inventory everytime we need it. Or just select if we want go inside.


How looks for you this suggestion?

Edited by SignorNessuno
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