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Martin owned the Sanguine Rose?


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For the Deadric Artifact I had to give Martin for the main quest I gave him the Sanguine Rose ( I'm not going to be that great as a mage for this character. He says "I never thought I would see this again... I... once owned it, for a short time. To receive it, and then give it up...ect." So he owned it... but that means he had to do something for sanguine... oh god...
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Yep. It seems our innocent priest used to be a very bad boy... :tongue: :devil:


Of all the Daedra Princes, he had to pick the Lord of Hedonism. I suppose it's no surprise, really, considering the reputation of his family.

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Yep. It seems our innocent priest used to be a bad boy... :tongue: :devil:


I wonder what it was that please sanguine... and for that mater, what made sanguine speak to martin in the first place? And how did martin find the shrine?

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Yep. It seems our innocent priest used to be a very bad boy... :tongue: :devil:


Of all the Daedra Princes, he had to pick the Lord of Hedonism. I suppose it's no surprise, really, considering the reputation of his family.


His family? What reputation?

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He says that he got involved with Daedric magic when studying in the Mages Guild. He and some mage friends wanted to push the boundaries of magic too much to suit the guild, so they left it to pursue the darker arts. He admits that they got in over their heads. His friends were killed, and that's when he decided to become a priest.


The Septims are notorious for adultery, including Tiber Septim himself.


One of them in particular had a ridiculously "decadent" reign (although I can't remember which).

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Yup, Tiber Septim had a love affair with Queen Barenziah. :laugh:


And then he literally forced her to get an abortion.


I know eh, what a jerk! I dislike that man immensely! :mad:


That poor woman and her babe. :(


My Hero will have something similar occur to him in the future, but he is not so selfish as that cur, he'll let her keep it if she wants to...! (he's a pretty uncaring type)

Edited by Lehcar
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