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Script explosion at projectile end point


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That's great! Good luck on your project.

THANK YOU!! I would have gave up an put it off awhile back without your help! THANK YOU!!


Now I got to see if I can use this script to call up my explosions or will I have to use activators for each. Right now it calls to the trapoil activator and a simple activator with destruction data set dose not seem to be working.

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Question Round 3? er ...4?



Okay so Game.GetForm works but dose not like the duplicates I made I assume the hex ID changes around in load order and just using the editor ID name dose nothing, thoughts? Theres a huge step of ref stuff I missing ain't I? 0-o

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I swear I been randomly blinking away at stuff..... anyway mis linked properties can screw with you.... all you need is an activator, onInit, placeatme and the properties set in the CK correctly... I'm gonna to go put my head through a desk now K?......

:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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And here it is. Anyone think doing an array of some type be better?


Not 100% sure if I under stand them they seem to go from one to the next, but I am unsure if they can pass/fail and on fail move to next..

Scriptname zippytestscriptreanimate1 extends ObjectReference    

import utility ;= used for a utility function=======/
import Debug;= not sure if I need this=======/


Objectreference zippytestactivator
explosion property explosionzippyrandyreanimate1 auto 
explosion property explosionzippyrandyreanimate2 auto
explosion property explosionzippyrandyreanimate3 auto
explosion property explosionzippyrandyreanimate4 auto
;= skyrim property ,allows change of explosion in CK GUI=======/
;   EVENTS     /

Event OnInit()

int myRan1 = Utility.RandomInt (1, 100)   ;= sets up the range of the random utility=======/
int myRan2 = Utility.RandomInt (1, 100)
int myRan3 = Utility.RandomInt (1, 100)
int myRan4 = Utility.RandomInt (1, 100)
  If  myRan1 <= 90.0 ;= this means 90% chance to work=======/

        wait(RandomFloat(0,0.1))   ;= ranges for waiting for a random period of time, not used right now but it complies =======/
        placeatme(explosionzippyrandyreanimate1)   ;= this calls to the explosion itself  ,allows change of explosion in CK GUI=======/
    elseif  myRan2 <= 50.0  ;= else makes it so if the above fails this will fire off 50% of the time =======/

         elseif  myRan3 <= 50.0

                elseif   myRan4 <= 25.0

Endif   ;= ends the if call statement thingy=======/

EndEvent ;= ends the event=======/

Event OnLoad()
zippytestactivator= self
EndEvent ;= ends the event=======/

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No need for an array for so few things. If it compiles, give it a try. I've never placed explosions via script before so I have no idea if that will work. The script looks like it would execute tho. You may want to use some notification statements during your testing just to be sure that the script is reaching certain segments. Would let you know if it is the script failing or the objects being placed.

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No need for an array for so few things. If it compiles, give it a try. I've never placed explosions via script before so I have no idea if that will work. The script looks like it would execute tho. You may want to use some notification statements during your testing just to be sure that the script is reaching certain segments. Would let you know if it is the script failing or the objects being placed.

It's working and complies but got to many functions for a bit till I weeded it out(before using activator = self).

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