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Enabling certain or all workbench recipes on campfires


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Hi, I would like to ask wether it is possible or not to enable all o better certain workbench recipes on campfires.


I am using the Skirmisher Mod which allows you to craft many throwing weapons and since I like to play Tribal- Chars, I had the idea to create a perk which enables you to craft said weapons using a campfire. Just like tribal societies do it in real life up to this day. They dont have fancy workbenches, just their hands and feet and simple tools. This perk may not be very usefull in a vanilla playthrough, but I think it will make a nice addition if you play Dust because workbenches are very hard to come by in this mod while campfires are much more common^^

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Try with this. It just adds a perk that gives you a choice between crafting and activating at campfires, but it'll only work with the vanilla campfires. Mod-added stuff like cooking pots with the campfire crafting script won't work.


There are no special requirements and the perk is available from the beginning. Let me know if it works.



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