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Another CTD fest like Skyrim


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playing about 192 plugins, I think I crash about every 1.5 hours on average?
so, I've got some info, and it's based on my best guess at what's "potentially guilty" of causing more issues but I don't know enough about scripting or anything to know exactly what's intensive and conflicting generally - also means my own efforts to resolve any conflicts is a little lacklustre so even if conflicts exist other people may not need to worry because they're better at dealing with it

in vanilla, there was a place that was VERY guilty of causing me problems, it was a police office over southwest and across the river from poseidon and north northeast of *that one ship with that crew*
not using any ENB's and not using ENBoost either, but I'm using war of the commonwealth, dialogue, AWKR etc, that one mod that has like 40 different kinds of weapons (the one that introduces carbines as standalone weapon additions in one ESP) pipeguns redux (which renames things as carbines for the pipeguns)

something about better burning (fire damage stacks) timed autosave, elder sickness, supermutantoverhaul

I've got automatron but that's it for DLC, I think I had more crashing issues when I had introduction to the NRC, because I've got MOAC
and I think the reason is because I have a few things that affect the commonwealth outdoors region et al or something, because I've uninstalled intro to the NRC 1.2 and the crashes stopped, but I uninstalled a number of things prior too, using brutality, also using marelo's overhaul which I suspect lends itself to crashing due to its own changes and stuff, but it's so nice I don't wanna stop using it and it's not *that bad* considering all the rest

Edited by tartarsauce2
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