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Best House / Armory View


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Basically whats the best place to show off all the cool stuff I find? I did a quick peruse through the forums but didn't see the post for it. I know it probably exists, so if someone could link it to me I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
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Battlehorn castle. --easily the best "official" Location, though it takes some time as there are only a few display cases and most stuff has to be put in the little alcoves in the walls.


The house in Skingrad, the best "vanilla" location.


Been several years since I played Oblivion, but the mods on PC are excellent and many add mannequins and display cases.

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If you're not afraid of getting your hands a bit dirty in the Construction Set, Aranmathi Ayleid Home (I suggest also installing the Aranmathi v105 update). The reason I say "not afraid of getting your hands a bit dirty in the Construction Set" is there are some mannequin bases available in the house as downloaded, but there's also plenty of room for more bases. It comes with a few NPCs but is roomy enough to house a small army of companions (or NPCs you add yourself with the CS). The Throne Room has lots of display cases and the Treasury Vault has plenty of named storage (a fairly unique feature). Both rooms have weapon racks as well. Since I first started using Aranmathi, it has been my number one favourite home (now heavily modded in my case).
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If you're not afraid of getting your hands a bit dirty in the Construction Set, Aranmathi Ayleid Home (I suggest also installing the Aranmathi v105 update). The reason I say "not afraid of getting your hands a bit dirty in the Construction Set" is there are some mannequin bases available in the house as downloaded, but there's also plenty of room for more bases. It comes with a few NPCs but is roomy enough to house a small army of companions (or NPCs you add yourself with the CS). The Throne Room has lots of display cases and the Treasury Vault has plenty of named storage (a fairly unique feature). Both rooms have weapon racks as well. Since I first started using Aranmathi, it has been my number one favourite home (now heavily modded in my case).



Lol, that's what I did. Gave the place a bit of a facelift, redid the lighting, gave the guards some cosmetic upgrades, added ancient elven furniture. It's barely recognizable, apart from the layout.


Me and my girlfriend also used the ayleid new tileset to make a brand new shiny copy of Moranda (lvl2) which is perfectly suited due to it's symmetry. It's become a massive esp completely loaded with armors. She's been nagging me to post some screenies of it, so maybe I will soon. Sadly, I can't ever post the file itself because of the amount of people I'd have to contact for permission.

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