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Help, get a quest start with increaseLevel Event

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Hi, I need help with a quest that should start at level 31.


The quest in general is devided in 2 quests, "ST_CSOI01Intro and ST_CSOI01.


The issue is in the ST_CSOI01Intro. The quest control the object at the Docks Of Istlod and the Courier / letter delivery to the player.


Okay now, let explain how this quest should works:


1: Before the player reach level 31:

The ship at the Docks of Itslod and its "normal crews" are disables, there is only 2 guards that watch the Docks's cabin.


2: The player has reach level 31:

The Courier boy give a letter to the player

At the moment that the player got it in his inventory, the quest objective "Read the letter" show up . At the same time, the ship and the pirates are enable; the initial guards are disable and replaced by a dead version of them.


3: The player read the letter

When the player read the Letter, that start offcially the quest :ST_CSOI01 and close the Intro quest ST_CSOI01Intro. The map Marker of Stonecrest is added to the map.


Now, I'll by screenshots the quest in the ck


1 : The Increase level Node : https://i.imgur.com/MqX6M9P.jpg

2 : The Quest Data : https://i.imgur.com/YvCgIVp.jpg

3 : Stage window : https://imgur.com/a/p0Vo0


Stage 0 :

;Give the Courier the Letter from Greira



;Disable the Initial guards



;Enable the Ship and the Pirates




;Enable the Ship



Stage 5 :

;Player must read the letter

SetObjectiveDisplayed(5, 1)


Stage 200 :

;Player has read the letter, start the ST_CSOI01 main quest





4 : The Objective window : https://i.imgur.com/kUtjRwB.jpg

5: Quest alias page https://i.imgur.com/3pzWTXM.jpg

6 : the quest script http://pastebin.com/HPQaJAqG

7: The script attached the the letter itself


Scriptname ST_CSOI01GreirasLetterScript extends ObjectReference


Quest Property pST_CSOI01 Auto


auto State waiting


Event OnRead()







State allDone

;do nothing



As you can see, everything should works without the increace Level Event, (if set with no level minimum). But as soon that I add the node and the level restriction, it stop working...


CAn you help me to solve this please?

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Assuming the quest itself starts OK I can't see why this wouldn't work.


Rather obvious but you never know - Have you set your global correctly? ie a short with value 31.


If all else fails you could frame it as a change location event (player entering the docks area or some such) with the player level set on the quest itself. Might be worth trying anyway just to check that SM will start this quest.

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