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custom point of interest (mod request)


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In my journey throughout the common wealth, I've found that sometimes I encounter something I can't access (yet) such as a promising looking safe, a locked door to possible loot or even a computer I can't hack yet. At those times having the ability to put down a custom item that makes a custom mission objective (possibly where the player can write their own stuff) it allows you to return later to show that safe, door or computer who's boss!

Does something like this already exist? If so, a link would be appreciated. If not... Could this be one of those 'should've been in the game to start with?' The requirements to built such a custom item should probably be fairly high. Just high enough that you need to get at least to level ten or so to get the right perks. I figure if the player can built a(( teleporter,)) then a device that lets you put down a reminder shouldn't be too hard.

This would probably be only useful in the early to mid game. I figure once you have the perks that let you hack any computer, unlock any safe or door then you got out of it what you need.

Okay, that's my idea for the day, that leaves me another question to ask. How do you hide text if you say something that could be spoiler-ish? I changed the colour because I don't know where I can find the option to hide it.



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You can put down a single map marker, sure. What he is talking about is a system to not only place more than one custom marker for future reference, but also to attach a note to them if you desire (for instance --Master locked door) so you can remember WHY you have a marker there, and if its something you need to come back to way later, that actually would be useful.

The current marker is just a single marker that tells you nothing of why its there. I fail to see how its the same idea.

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it's not the same idea, but it fulfils a similar function, in a limited way. I can appreciate being able to add notes to it, but I don't see why it should have high crafting requirements. it's just utility, it doesn't make the game that much easier.


that said, since the loot is just randomized leveled stuff that is essentially one of the like, four guns in the game plus some caps, I don't see why he would care that much to go back to old chests.


I dunno. I do hope someone makes something like it for you guys in the future.

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it's not the same idea, but it fulfils a similar function, in a limited way. I can appreciate being able to add notes to it, but I don't see why it should have high crafting requirements. it's just utility, it doesn't make the game that much easier.


that said, since the loot is just randomized leveled stuff that is essentially one of the like, four guns in the game plus some caps, I don't see why he would care that much to go back to old chests.


I dunno. I do hope someone makes something like it for you guys in the future.


Yeah, the loot point is definitely valid. It isnt necessarily an idea I MUST have, just agreed that it was a good idea on his part. :)

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