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Where will the next Fallout be?


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i like the idea of a huge city but i wish the game would be reworked in everything i wish everything can b broken into brake locks kick/smash/shoot the door to open it.. rewire it to enter.. have all zones able to kil/ crush drown u.. i mean COME ON!! ppl have can a 200+ year old building still b standing. just as strong.. i like if u do something wrong i nthe bilding it can fall right on top of u. or a area/path can crumble/ cave in. ADD REAL SURVIVAL to the game and every thing u do could help u or f*** u in the end... (u help someone even if its at the starting of the game and they come out later in the game with a hole gun mine/ bunker somewhere and u have to have helped them in order to get inthere... or if u brake a lock something can come in right after u or later on... able to make and set up ur own safe houses make it more livly make it so its no SO BLOODY LACKING like i thought fallout 3 felt.. (so far all there games are lacking/GLITCHy to the EXTREME they dont put much into the vaults when to me there a huge part of the story and i like to (watch/hear to recording not reading them) ad a lot more life into the game... add REAL FULL QUEST... so far the cleaning out cridder quest was so lame just so cass would join ut. they all where dead by a NCR guy. O-o


but to answer ur Question NY sounds cool and from what i seen i think thats the way there going.. but i like something thats more beachfront high cliffs or a mountain Region.. or even in unknown areas also..




Edited more so..


how about under ground citys (ruin cave coves or even a under water lab or vault...


but for me im thinking about going with eather YES and my my OWN legion of ROBOTS xD lol lol lol lol or go with bomers... but eather way im thinking about taking out the NCR in NV all together and all from NV (i can do it only if i can my my own legion.. xD )

Edited by thunderlord2200
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Just a quick note - all the reviewers are raving about how expansive Skyrim is, so it makes sense that Bethesda would build from a position of strength. The tunnel-rat aspect of FO3 started to bug me after a while, which (aside from lore reasons, the place would be a slag heap) is the reason I DONT want to see the next Fallout set in NYC.


I hope that the next version of the game takes on a huge scope (Nor Cal / NCR territory up to Canada would be great). Perhaps something in the Commonwealth of MA, extending up to Montreal would be good too.

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Somewhere in lower Florida would be nice. Perhaps a part of Cuba could be in a DLC? Or some other place where we can plausably visit another country in a DLC. Texas/Mexico and Michigan/Canada are other examples.


No matter where though, I want them to bring back the vault door opening sequence from FO3. I miss that in FONV.


And can we finally get some sort of usable vehicle? I'm sure that by now someone would have figured how to peice together a bike or something from random junk.

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only other place i can think of is some huge city in CA because i love to seee how they would make the water and i love to see what they would make in a hole new area.. when it came to NV all the things u fought it was mostly seen that done that... i want to see snakes, spiders, centipedes or even some unknow place to start fresh and add new armys. i never liked the NCR so i plain if i can to kill them out. lol xD


or hell start my own army and or legion... (i go with legion.. xD) ad a huger mape then sky rim to the point theres like a hole underground areas just as big like tunnels, railways, underground citys, ruins ECT...


this is so open u can do anything if they can start fresh matter of speeking..


i do want a more open map tho... i mean u can enter buildings with out the load screen and i love to see the vaults open up again and add a full story to every area so it dont feel lacking and add somuch video recordings showing what happened..


love the idea of able to drive/ fly around even have things that fly after u.. xD

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Right, have worked my way through the previous 19 pages.


Now, I have absolutely no clue as to where the next location would be, but I have some food for thought.



West coast, NCR / California


With regards to the northern locations and the NCR moving in that direction. I don't really feel this would be viable in the FO universe. Reasons being technology is limited and the economy is mostly barter / scavange based. There fore moving North with the NCR would just pose too many headaches with regards to the climate alone. There doesn't seem to be any cotton fields handy to make the kind of winter survival gear that would be required to scout / suppress any resistance and colonise the areas. This is especially true with regards to transportation of necessary supplies, food, clothing etc as most of these items would be harder to grow locally the further North you go. Now yes you could use furs for clothing, but weapons are going to deteriorate in that climate, parts are going to sieze up etc, and that promotes a more primitive culture, which is what probably exists but is also what the NCR presence would become after a while.




The East Coast - NYC Possible


Following quote taken from the fallout wiki (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/2077#2077)


March: Prepared for a nuclear or biological attack from China, the President and the Enclave retreat to the Poseidon oil rig and make contingency plans for continuing the war


The bombs fell on October 23 the same year. This allows 6 or 7 months to prepare, which would probably include the US government stationing missile ships of thier own off both coasts near major cities with at least the hope of shooting down some ICBM's. This goes a small way towards explaining why the aircraft carrier was in DC.


This would allow for the reason that DC, which should have been THE target for the most bombs of any city in the world, being the Capitol of the US, and therefore should still be a smoking crater, is still relativly standing. Therefore, because NYC is the economic capitol of the US, it should have been similarily protected, even if not as much as DC and therefore should still be relativly, standing.




Chicago - Possible, a high contender,the fallout wiki states:


It was nearly completely destroyed in the Great War and the few that survived the bombs now live mostly in small tribal villages near the former city.


Also according to fallout wiki and Bethesda's Emil Pagliarulo the high level events of FOTactics are considered canon (for Bethesda), and Scribe Jamieson from FO3 does mention the midwest BOS, along with Scribe Rothchild mentioning the midwest BOS have fallen on hard times. The EDE recording stating that there may be an Enclave outpost there makes it a contender. When both of these are combined, the midwest BOS fallen on hard times, (FO3) and the possibility of an Enclave outpost there (FONV) you have the basis for a storyline, albeit one that has a lot in common with FO3.




South of the NCR, Mexico - Possible again, from the fallout wiki


Sometime after the war the NCR took over Baja but did not have enough control to annex it to the republic, In 2281 Kimball deployed Rangers to the Baja location.


So there has been some action in and around Mexico, which given it's proximity to the capitol of the NCR is a frontier which should be looked at. Mexico city has been destroyed by the bombs, so that far into the interior is probably not plausable, but along the border, skimishers, and who knows what else could threaten the NCR, leading to a war which could quickly strike at the heart of the NCR.




New Orleans - Can't remember any references or find any relating to NO, IMO, not really possible


I see NO as being very uncivilised. It will be mostly swamplands by now of a point lookout feel. Very clicky, strangers will be unwelcome, except on BBQ night :D


Travel would be difficult, and disease should be the biggest killer of all. Like the northern areas, the extreme weather conditions would promote a primitive culture, bows, arrows, spears etc, as mechanical weapons would be subject to high humidity, mud etc.


There is very little of consequence for any major faction, BOS, NCR, Legion, Enclave to fight over, and with the addition of the above problems, I don't see them in NO, so the story would have to be very well written or it wouldn't feel right.




Detroit - Possible, a high contender, with a good base


This would probably be along the lines of FO3. I see no real problem with Detroit, it will have been bombed, but there will be exceptions with buildings still whole, and with the history of mass production the city has, there are plenty of story orientented options available. NCR, BOS and the Enclave would all be salivating at the thought of seaching the ruins for working tech, to say nothing of the possibilites a single repairable / not too badly damaged factory would provide towards re-establishing production on a large scale.




Florida - Possible


Some of the problems with NO and PL with regards to culture / weather. Also with Cape Canaveral / The Kennedy space center, and the probability of numerous military installations, whichever faction, probably the Enclave or another branch of what is left of the US military would be fairly entrenched, which would provide story, a faction establishs a small foothold and you have to help, which is a little too predictable IMO.




Return to the past - Possible, not probable


Also possible would be instead of going forward in time would be a return to the FO1 and 2 era, the time of Tandi as president.

Helping the NCR establish themsleves at some time in between 1 and 2 and 3. Maybe follow the story of FOtactics and make the midwest canon are just a few of a practicully limitless supply of ideas with multiple faction possible endings. The bonus here is if FO 1 and 2 have been played the area's would be familiar to a certain degree, certain NPC's could still be alive.




NCR / California - Possible but not probable


Slightly too civilised IMO, it wouldn't feel proper wandering around a semi-civilised area, with the NCR patroling travel is implied to be relativly safe. Also the problem with many of the settlements, especially shady sands is the population. Shady sands alone should have more NPC's than all the NPC's in FONV based on it's size alone as the capital of NCR and this would be impossible to do IMO. And with the lack of size that is acheivable, shady sands would feel like a slightly upgraded megaton which would not do it justice.





Anyway that's my thoughts at the moment.


I must say thought that I personally would prefer either the return to the past, south / mexico scenario's. I've played Fo 1 and 2 and would like to see the locations given the CG upgrade treatment. Other them those, Chicago, Detroit ot NYC would be my preference. I didn't like Point Lookout, just my opinion, and wouldn't like NO or possibly Florida, but would play them. With the North expansion, well, I'd play, but depending on how it was handled I don't think the feel of the FO universe could be done credit.

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If it is set in Detroit, then you could pretty easily incorporate Toronto ('Ronto) in the game since it is so close. How about a combo Chicago/Detroit/Toronto/Buffalo - or even all the way to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? Large maps don't seem to be a problem after Skyrim (and all the hidden goodies there).
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