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Strange Model Behavior in GECK (MZ Asset from FO:NV .BSA)

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Okay, so I got a bit of a mystery on my hands. Thanks to Roy, we're back at running at full capacity.


Part of GoE includes using the entirety of the Mothership Zeta kit from Fallout 3 that Obsidian conveniently left in the .BSAs. I've even managed to actually import three of the (also conveniently left) test levels from Mothership Zeta directly into FO:NV.


Everything's working great...save for one model

This model seems to refuse to want to change from its default settings. When I attempt to scale the model, it will increase in size...and then snap back to 1.0 (while if double-clicked, it does indeed show the scale as 1.0+). When I duplicate it, it always snaps to vertical.
I've never see a model behave like this and when inspected in-game, the model always reverts to a specific size and orientation. (1.0 and 0, 0, 0 rotation).
Any ideas?
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Is the pipe supposed to rotate?


It definitely has what appears to be completely junk NiTransformController data.


Wherever a controller is used, keyed values override other transforms, at least in NifSkope - and maybe it sounds like in the editor, too. The root NiNode is being targeted, too, which I don't think I've seen before.




Removing the transform data allows it to be scaled normally. Select it in the block list and delete the block and that should do it.

Edited by TrickyVein
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Is the pipe supposed to rotate?


It definitely has what appears to be completely junk NiTransformController data.


Wherever a controller is used, keyed values override other transforms, at least in NifSkope - and maybe it sounds like in the editor, too. The root NiNode is being targeted, too, which I don't think I've seen before.




Removing the transform data allows it to be scaled normally. Select it in the block list and delete the block and that should do it.


Sounds like they didn't clean the asset before throwing it into the .BSA. I'll always wonder why MZ is in there.


Thank you kindly! :D

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Is the pipe supposed to rotate?


It definitely has what appears to be completely junk NiTransformController data.


Wherever a controller is used, keyed values override other transforms, at least in NifSkope - and maybe it sounds like in the editor, too. The root NiNode is being targeted, too, which I don't think I've seen before.




Removing the transform data allows it to be scaled normally. Select it in the block list and delete the block and that should do it.

Key frames trump everything, even in game collision.

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Yeah. Collision for which things? How do you mean. Pretty sure you can't target a bhkCollisionObject in a controlled block or attach a controller manager/transform controller to one. Some fields in the bhkRigidBody need to be set for collision to move along with its parent node, which is what would be controlled.

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It's good practice to only be controlling NiNodes anyway, then all it's children will simply be coming along for the ride (collision included). What I actually meant was you can ram meshes along with their collision through other collision bodies, actors through walls etc.

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