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What started as random crashes


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For right now, it seems that random and unexplained crashes are a way of life with FONV. All you can do is minimize the sorce/cause of crashes and pray for a new patch that fixes all these new glitches and bugs.
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True enough for some of us, it would not seem so for most of the people who bought the game though. The best we can hope for is to get the game back to playable after each patch, and as I said many of us were able to go from crash every 5 - 15 minutes to crash every 5 - 15 sessions. All we can do is to keep trying to help each other and rue the day the next patch comes out when we'll no doubt have to start the process all over again. The price we pay for running an obsolete game engine on modern hardware and OS's and then to make the challenge even more difficult: modding the heck out of it!
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my specs are pretty far ahead of this game,


-Creative SB X-fi

-i7 x980

-nvidia gtx 480


The crashes were good for a while but right now I cannot enter freeside at all for some reason, ill keep messing with it but it seems like all the programs i have at my disposal say im fairly good to go in terms of conflicts and all that. guess ill just have to put up with crashing every 10 minutes lol.

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No I haven't touched my video card for this game, maybe some of the mods I'm using are too funky to be used without any problems? If anyone sees mods on my list that are known to cause problems or you haven't heard of them and have a feeling they cause crashes let me know. I can't be forced to play World of Warcraft all day anymore.


Edit: Just deactivated enhanced shaders and it seems to be better, ill post another update after this session.


Edit2: Crashed again, but it lasted a little longer.... =\

Edited by dedaF
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Remember, I have the same card and can attest that it can handle anything this game throws at it as long as it's configured properly. That last link allows you to set up a specific profile just for FONV (for many nVidia cards, not just the GTX 480). It's walks you through the process step by step and you can also set up other specific profiles for most other games out there. Shaders are a tricky subject and I'm holding off on them until some post 1.4 updates come out.


[NAPA-NV 0.1.esp - Could this be a napalm round king of thing? Enhanced energy weapon explosions have recently been causing some problems and I'm guessing it could be the same for enhanced conventional explosions too.]

Edited by maboru
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