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Demand for voice acting?


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Greetings, Falloutpals.


I'm interested in - and have dabbled in - voice acting, though I'm currently surfing on how cool people think my voice sounds, as I have absolutely no talent or training. I've contemplated offering my services, such as they are, to Fallout 4 modders, particularly for followers. Although, I'm at an impassé in that decision: is there a demand for custom voicing?


This isn't Fallout 3 or NV, in which you can freely imagine how your protagonist sounds, and how he/she/it speaks. In Fallout 4, we have a predefined voice that, for all intents and purposes, we cannot make speak what we wish for custom content. Would, for example, having a custom follower that your Sole Survivor has no vocal response to break immersion? What about a Sole Survivor who speaks in nothing but reused dialogue, and never says that follower's name? Would players even want a follower mod anymore? Would voice acting in Fallout 4 be entirely self-contained (ie: radio, automated responses, enemies, etc)? You can see why my reasoning causes some hesitation.


PS: https://soundcloud.com/tooldealer


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The voiced protagonist isn't much of a problem for modders who are are dedicated. This is a non-issue in my opinion. I am already recording new male sole survivor lines with a voice actor who sounds very much like the vanilla actor, but other people have different solutions as well.


It will take me a bit longer to find a female sole survivor, but considering I haven't made anything about my mod public yet, I am not exactly worried in the least.




But to answer your original question, however, the demand is not all that high for male voice actors. Not because there are not a lot of roles out there, because there are hundreds.


But for the hundreds of roles there are thousands of voice actors to fill them.


I have a few minor roles here and there open for male voice actors, but all of my major characters and the follower I have planned are already filled. I am sure some of those voice actors are going to fall through, so I will be having to replace them.


So if you are interested, I will PM you the information of my voice acting director. I just can't promise any roles that are very big. Though I do have one in mind that I don't think he has covered yet that you might like, but I will let you speak to my director about that.

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