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Marcy and Jun Long Quest Overhaul?


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I seriously can't stand this couple the way they are. What I can't stand even more is that they don't do anything to change or grow as the game progresses. I don't feel like I'm alone in saying this, as I'm sure everyone who reads this is at least a little annoyed of Marcy constantly bitching and Jun feeling sorry for himself all the time. Without further ado I present my idea: A choice based quest that I feel fits more to the tune of Fallout 3 and New Vegas's opportunistic qualities.


Now what if you can help this couple mend their broken hearts? What if you can further add to their turmoil? What about helping one and hurting another? My idea is to create a quest mod that allows you to manipulate this broken relationship to whichever way you please. Basically I can think of 3 different scenarios off the top of my head, with several choices involving those scenarios. Also, this mod will rely on a lot of new dialogue, and I think a lot of that dialogue should revolve around the couple distancing themselves from each other due to their loss in their own ways. .


1. You go to Marcy, and through several speech checks and/or talking to her, you convince her to become your companion. Overtime, as she grows more and more fond of you, she'll engage in dialogue about letting go of a lot of her anger (perhaps through a quest of revenge or something). Once maximum affinity is obtained, there is the possibility of romancing her (although, most of you may not want to, which is very understandable.) If you do romance her, then when you return to Sanctuary there is a possibility where Jun will kill himself over not being able to handle the grief of his dead child and Marcy leaving him. This will also result in all followers witnessing this to either hate or love you depending on whom (Ex: Preston and Piper will hate that while Strong would love that.)


2. You go to Jun, and through several speech checks and talking to him, you are able to make him a companion. As he grows more fond of you, and through engaging in his dialogue, he starts to feel less sorry for himself and regains some of his backbone (sort of like Travis from Confidence Man). After enough affinity, you engage in a quest where you and him travel to his child's grave (to which he says he didn't have the mettle to do it the first time when he was buried.) When you reach max affinity, you are able to romance him as well. If this happens, the next time you return to Sanctuary, Marcy will attempt to kill you and Jun in a hostile rage. Followers around will also react based on their convictions.


3. Option 3 is maxing out both of their affinities. When this is done and Marcy is romanced, restored Jun will leave Sanctuary because he has nothing to stay there for. If this is done with Jun, then Marcy will do the same. If both are at max, then you can pass speech checks for both of them in order for them to reconcile with each other, or get each other to become even more hostile which may lead to them trying to kill each other.


Well that's basically most of my thoughts for improving Marcy and Jun. Anything would be an improvement for them really. I think in order for something like this to be done they might need new voice actors. They'll probably need new face textures so they can look more attractive as well. I lack the modding experience to bring this to life, but if anyone skilled in modding is reading this and thinks it's a good idea, then please have at it and save all of us from these two shamefully static characters.

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I like the idea of changing their attitudes, but I'd go with a more lore friendly option. Most of her hatred and bitterness, and his moping, are a result of what happened to them in Quincy. If there were a quest made that could give them closure I think it would make them at least a little more pleasant to deal with.


I had a few ideas surrounding them but I lack the skills and a pc to do the modding myself.

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While I don't think they should be romanceable, I agree with the rest! They have no growth, unlike many other game characters.


The main reason why I suggested for them to be romanceable is so that we can bring back the sense of making decisions that are good and evil. Sure these things can be done without romance, but driving a man to commit suicide by stealing his wife away from him after they already lost their daughter is an entirely different form of evil. It wouldn't even have to be a whole romance, just a couple speech checks (like Magnolia) and presto! Instant carnage.

Well, the main problem with that would be dialog (the spoken dialog, I mean)...


The beauty in this solution is the problem itself. These characters are very shallow and don't really contain that much dialogue. You can rip out their old audio files and re record everything with new voice actors along with the additional quest dialogue.

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but seems so much easier, and cheaper, to place, at high speed, a bit of lead inside their brains.


Or at least Marcy.. jun would just off himself anyways so you could save the cost of a bullet.


Wow, its shocking how her 'im annoyed at you and you can't do any good' attitude turns me into a homicidal jerk.

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While I don't care in the least about romancing video game characters, I feel the need to point out that even with 6 beds in a house in Sanc, I consistently woke up to Marcy being in MY bed in my house.


I head-canon'ed that as her being one of those people who actually likes you, but is going to b&@*$ at you for attention until, like in the romance movies from the 40s-50s, you just grab them and... well, go watch one of those movies if you need more info ;)

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