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Wanted to start my first Oblivion modded run! But am abit confused


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Hey guys, I bought but Skyrim and Oblivion about two years ago in a summer sale.


I've always love modding Skyrim and at one point I had over a 200+ modded Skyrim playthrough.

After all of that I remember back when I played on the 36o Oblivion was a pretty amazing game without mods so I'm curious to see how great it is with mods.

But with Oblivion modding I feel like it isn't as black and white as it is with Skyrim mods.


I'm starting off looking for a combat mod. Do you guys recommend any?


I've been looking at Unnecessary Violence III, but it looks overwhelming and I can't seem to find others.


I would appreciate the help, thanks!

Edited by Hellzsaint
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I believe UV was the one for combat. As far as others go, I'd suggest checking the top 100 lists, both adult and non-adult content. That should cover most of what's best. I'd also check out the top rated quests and armour/weapons. Oblivion Reloaded is great, but if you use it be sure to read closely, there are likely many tweaks you may need to do to have other mods play well with it. Good luck!

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My advice doesn't involve what mods but how to install mods ... install one at a time (unless the mod you want has requirements, then install the group but that's all). Test thoroughly between installs. When you run into the inevitable problems it will be trivial to know where to start troubleshooting.


Unless a mod explicitly says you must install with Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) it makes a poor choice for installing Oblivion mods. Many of the mods you'll find in those Top 100 lists were created and last updated years before NMM was even thought of.


The premier tool for installing and managing Oblivion mods is Wrye Bash. Almost everything I know about using WB I learned from the two readmes ... Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html, both found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder either after you install it or after you extract the downloaded 7z file to a folder.

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