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Missing Mod? (Would you like to upgrade the mod)


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Hello all,


Recently I updated my windows to 10, with it the computer copied and placed all my files back in their pre-update place. The issue now arises that while my NMM still works, has access to all my mods and can still launch my game, every time i open the NMM I get a message that says:


Missing Mod


<Mod Name> cannot be found.

However, a different version has been detected. The installed missing version is <mod version installed>; the new version is <exact same mod version>.

You can either upgrade the mod or uninstall it. if you Cancel, Nexus Mod Manager will close and you will have to put the mod <Mod loaction> back in the mods folder.

Would you like to upgrade the mod?


The issue is, it does this for every single mod i have installed, and as far as i can tell, all my mods are still in the same place. Does anybody have any idea what i should do?


Thanks in Advance

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