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Why are there no mirrors in Skyrim / Morrowind / Fallout 3 / New Vegas / Oblivion ? Its seems like a basic math kind of thing that, sure, would require a little more rendering power--but I don't understand why mirrors have zero place in these worlds even in a rudimentary fashion ?


I recognize that while this isn't limited by an engine necessarily, it's probably impossible for a modder to access the code required to actualize this. Still--kind of annoying, really.


File this under: doomed mod request.

Edited by csbx
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Thanks for the link. I need to read it again, but it just sounds like more math to me.


When one is running a wider FOV in Skyrim (more vertices seen, more facets) it certainly requires more juice, but it has never, in my experience, affected FPS significantly--and I'm computating with a potato. I'm not understanding how adding a single mirror does anything of a different kind.


Perhaps I'm missing the distinction.







tl;dr it's not just a bit more math.

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Because it takes the entire scene and RECREATES it on the other side of the mirror. Not only double the power cost, more than that due to other calculations that need to be applied. Imagine a mirror house now..

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