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Unexplained Performance Flaw


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Okay, so what I did was I wiped out ALL FNV mods, no results. I do an array of .ini tweaks (i.e. threaded AI and other threaded's preloadsize limit etc.) Turned off vsync. AA, translucency multi-sampling. Am using windowed mode, fnv4gb, NVSR and the like. And now for my specs:


Video Card:Geforce 550ti GTX

Motherboard:Micro-Star International G31M3-L v2

Memory: 4GB DDR2

Processor: Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.38GHz (i5 Quad Core) (yes i inserted iNumHWThreads 2)

Operating System: Windows XP 64 Bit

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Vsink just matches your card's refresh rate to your monitor's refresh rate so it depends on what your monitors refresh rate is. If you are using an LCD, as most everyone is these days, there is no vertical sink rate so using it only caps your FPS at 60hz. Disabling it allows for higher than 60fps but do you really need more than 60fps? The problem with going higher, especially with old game engines like this, is you could start experiencing Tearing (happened a lot in Oblivion). If it works for you then fine, but you may have to return to it later. I posted the solution that worked for me. Feel free to give it a shot -


Download and install fnv4gb NVSE - http://nvse.silverlo...fnv4gb_nvse.zip - to your SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\ folder, make a shortcut to you desktop and launch the game from the shortcut (if you run a 64 bit OS)


Download and install Configator - http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=40442 - to the same above directory, it will put a shortcut on your desktop. Run this before running the game (it explains all the options in the program but don't launch from there.)


Download and install FNVEdit - http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=34703 - to the same above directory.


Download and install the FNVEdit manual - http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=38413 - to learn, at least, how to MasterUpdate and MasterRestore your mods. (Make sure you read the description pages and Readme's of all your mods first because some mods won't work right MasterUpdated, very few, but they should state this)


Download and install BOSS - http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=35999 - to the same above directory (I use the installer version rather than the Archive because I find it simpler, it will install a shortcut to your desktop. Run this to sort your load order.)


Download and install Better game performance - http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=40128 - run it dead last in your load order.


If you decide to do this and need any help, just post back here. Hope it works for you too.


[bTW - NVSR doesn't work with the 1.4 patch so go ahead and remove it but keep an eye on the mod page to see when they update it. I run 8 threads and have no problem at all with it, when you're multi-threading all the options it actually works and raises your cpu percentage over 50.]

Edited by maboru
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lol not to hi-jack the thread or anything but I too suffer the problems of OP and on a similar system, and I cannot make this game work without d3d9.dll and even with that it hangs on by a thread. My only solution in the past was to use the stutter remover to cap the frames at 30 so i could have some consistency but that boat has sailed..
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Try losing d3d9.dll, it's long since been corrected by updated nVidia drivers and now is known to cause problems. Some mods still install it but you shouldn't need it if you've updated your video drivers in the last year. Try the above additions (fnv4gb only if you're running a 64bit OS.)

Can't hurt, right?

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I have tried and without it my game is completely unplayable.. I look at the prospector saloon for instance without the d3d9 and my frames drop to well below 10.. With it however I am fine for the most part..


Actually let me do some more testing but I removed and it seems a little bit better.

Edited by Dan3345
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Okay, Internet was out so now I'm back on the forums. I performed everything suggested, deleting all the necessary files (already had everything BUT FNVedit.) I decided not to use FNVedit because my problem occurs even when I strip down to vanilla Fallout New Vegas. I am at such a loss here because it doesnt matter if I run the game at mid-quality or ultra-high. I never get any better performance. Constant crashes and blue screens. I bought the game on Steam if that helps at all. Sorry for bothering you maboru, but really I dont know what else to do. I'm gonna do a fraps FPS test and put the results on here maybe that'll help. I appreciate all you've done maboru, I am gonna send some Kudos your way.
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Here are the FPS test results BEFORE


Goodsprings- Welcome Sign- 15 FPS

Strip- 20 FPS

Freeside- 35 FPS

Mojave Outpost Highway- 28 FPS


Goodsprings Saloon- 50FPS

Ant Mound- 60 FPS


I read that guide and my system is better than the one they used, except for the processor, and I am running less than full quality settings and still am getting less FPS than they are. Bahh this is driving me crazy!

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Are you using any enhanced texture packs? (They wouldn't necessarily have a specific .esp attached as many are just downloaded into the texture file.) And are you sure you're running all the pre-load options in Configator, that shouldn't be a problem if fnv4gb NVSE is working properly but you could try toning that down.
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