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Missing Eye meshes for everyone


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So I'm new to modding Oblivion so I'm not really sure how to put my list up. Its like this?



All DLC.esps

Armory of the Silver Dragon.esp

Moonshadow Elves.esp

Beautiful People - MaleReplacerV3.esp






UnderWorld Armor.esp



Lost Paladins of the Divines.esp


All the mods installed correctly expect Ren's Mod, while all the other mods have blue squares beside them. Ren's has a light brown square and when I installed it, it said it didn't install completely.

Would that be the reason why?


The Npc's eyes are just a black void and my character's eyes are purple. I would really appreciate the help. Thanks.

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Do not use this plugin: Beautiful People - MaleReplacerV3.esp

It is BP 2.2-Robert's Male body compatibility plugin. Since older version of Beautiful People retains eye mesh paths from Elaborate Eyes(newer one replaces default eye meshes and textures with EE ones), you will have 'missing eye meshes' problem unless you installed EE as well.

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By EE do you mean this one?



Yes. Anyway, I do not recommend to use BP-RM compatibility plugin. You have Ren's Beauty Pack, and it's not recommended to use two or more cosmetic mods at once. Building bashed patch(via Wrye Bash) is needed when you're going to use cosmetic mod and any body replacer that uses plugin for re-assigning body textures.

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well its fixed the npc's eyes only now that my chracter's left eyes is still weird but every things is fine with the right eyes


That's because of eye mesh-texture incompatibility. Since stock eye meshes, Ren's eye meshes, and Elaborate Eye meshes have different UV mapping each other, it's not so rare to see googly eye problem. And Beautiful People includes races and resources from Ren's Beauty Pack. I'd rather ditch BP-RM compatibility plugin, instead make a merged patch for RM plugin and Ren's Beauty Pack.

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